Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Three

Walking into English I threw my bag down on the floor by my desk, praying that nothing got smashed. Then again the only breakable thing in there is for my art piece and that can be fixed really easily. A letter was sitting on my desk with my name scrawled onto the top, I sat on the un-comfy school chair and ripped the letter open. It was from my new friend. I read it over twice before taking out my notepad and pen and began writing.

Hello. I forgot to tell you my age, I’m a bit dopy like that and I quite often forget those things. Oh well. I’m fifteen too. I guess you are right, we cant always win them but we can always try. I don’t really get the whole “freshman” and named years you have over where you are but I’m in what we call 4th year, but by going by age I think you would be in the same year.

Oh wow, you in a band! That sounds really fun. I would love to be in a band and sing but I cant really find anyone else that want to here. But there is always my trusty guitar. I love it to bits. I think its safe to say I have never heard of Maryland. I think I’ll need to look that up on a map. I live up in the highlands of Scotland so up at the top. Its great here though. There is tons of fields and woods and small secret “thinking” areas.

Your writing isn’t that bad, I can still read it, so it cant be that bad. Honestly. I guess I should warn you that I kind of love the whole idea of “Pen Pals” I am really bored of the people over here, nobody is like me up here and I was hoping to get a nice person. But hey, I cant force anything on you.

Alice x x x

I guess I got someone who doesn’t really care. Oh well. I folded the paper and placed it into the envelope and wrote Alex’s name on the front, before handing it in to Mrs Blackinton.
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