Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Four

The next day, the letter was waiting on my desk. I noticed Alice's scratchy handwriting. I quickly read the response and began to write.


I'm sorry to come off as though I didn't care. You actually seem really cool. Maybe this pen-pal thing isn't that bad after all. I understand how you feel about being bored with people. Yes, I'm in a band. I sing and play guitar. My friend's are in my band, they're actually in my English class too, so they're writing letters to your class as well (there names are Jack, Zack and Rian). And you never know maybe when I'm rich and famous I can come to Scotland and we can play music together. What are you friends like?

Where you live sounds beautiful, where I live is a suburb of another big city, so it's pretty big itself. What's your teacher like? My teacher, Mr. Beasley has a very big nose and he's pretty strict. His son is in our grade is very very annoying. What's your school like? What kind of things do you learn there? The classes I'm taking this year are: English, Algebra, Biology, P.E. (Physical Education), and I have two elective classes which are Art and Music Education.

From your first letter it sound like we have the same taste in music. New Found Glory and Blink 182 are my favorites. Well, I've gotta go, class is starting. Bye.

- Alex

I folded the letter and put it in an envelope. I scratched Alice's name on the the front and dropped the letter on Mr. Beasley's desk and returned to my seat.
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