Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Five

Today we got the letters at the end of class so I didn’t have time to read it. I threw it in my bag before walking out of the room. I’ll read it later. As I walked out of my 4th period class I started my walk to the small grass area. I placed my bag on the ground by the tree and sat leaning against the bark. Unzipping my bag I dug around and took out my apple, green, and the letter. I ripped the letter open and read before reaching back into my bag and taking out a notebook and pen.

Okay first, I’m sorry for being judgemental, I don’t know you yet I’m already saying what you like, so I’m really sorry, can we just forget that happened? And yes, when you become all rich and famous don’t forget about me, ill be standing there in the crowd. Just tell me the name one day. Erm well Friends. Erm. Yea I suppose you could say the one I do I have mean the world to me. We have mini raves when I’m down, although those are normally followed by camera whoring. What about your friends?

I would love to live in a suburb area. They always seem nice. Is it like the one in Edward Scissor Hands. I love that film. Not to mention it is made by the god. Tim Burton. Erm my English teacher is really nice. Mrs Blackinton is really young and nice. She is always making the stuff we do interesting. Like making our own updated versions of Shakespeare. My school isn’t really strict. We do have a dress code although you only have to wear black or white. Wearing the logo is your choice. Apart from that its pretty laid back. This year I’m taking English, Maths, Gaelic, Art and Biology.

I think we do have the same taste in music I love Blink-182, although I may have to listen to New Found Glory, I haven’t heard of them before. But I really like You Me At Six. it’s a band from the UK that are really good and then there in Dananananaykroyd. There from Scotland too and I love them, the name is amazing don’t you think?

Alice x x x

I slipped the letter into the envelope before handing it in to Mrs Blackinton just before the bell went for the end of lunch.
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