Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Six

I'm on my way to school. I woke up late, and first period is almost over. I'm running down the hall, coming from the office. I look at the clock on the wall, five minutes 'til the end of the period. I can see the door to the classroom. I reach, the handle, the bell rings. UGH! There goes the door right in my face. I pull myself quickly to my feet and push past the many bodies rushing out. I walk over to Mr. Beasley's desk.

"Excuse me, sir. Mr. Beasley?"

"Alexander, why were you not in class today?"

"I just got here and I was wondering if I could have my letter?"

"Ah, yes. Your letter. You can have your letter, if you agree to see me after school. In detention."

I reach for the letter in his hand, he pulls his away.

"You can have this, when you show up to detention."

I arrive to detention. Mr. Beasley finally gives me my letter. I'm writing the reply.


My friends, are all my bandmates. We get along more the half the time. Jack is my best
friend, he plays guitar. I actually have band practice tonight. Oh yeah. This letter might come
a little later than usual because I didn't get it until after school today. I'm serving a detention,
just so that I can receive your letter.
The suburbs is not quite like Edward Scissorhands, thought most of the houses do look the same. I think the suburbs in Edward Scissorhands are a bit more exaggerated.
Your school sounds amazing. Our school is so strict. It's like they are trying to suck the creativity right out of us. The only really cool teacher is my art teacher, Miss. Sparks. So you're taking Gaelic as in the language, Gaelic? That's cool.
Dananananaykroyd, like the actor? That's hilarious. Youmeatsix. The name sounds familiar. I think I've heard of them, though I'm not sure. Well, Alice, I think I have to big you farewell, because detention is over! So...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know the waits been long. I've been really sick.
So yeah, sorry.
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