Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Seven

I tore the letter open the second it was placed I’m my hand. I love speaking to him. I love speaking to someone a thousand miles away who is willing to not judge me. As soon as I read the words on the paper I started to scribble out about the day.


Well at least that its good that you all get along so well. I hope practice goes good and you get some stuff done. What ever you do in practise. I feel honoured that you are serving a detention just for my measly letter. Honestly I do.

Oh that sucks. I always imagined the suburbs being like those ones they just seem so perfect. I would love to live in those. All the coloured houses and then a guy with scissors as hands living just up the road. That would be amazing. Aww a strict school sounds horrible, I cant imagine it if my school became all strict. They would stop me from wearing what I want, although some teachers comment that I push the boundaries of school uniform. Is it so bad I like wearing tutu’s with skinny jeans? Nobody can take your creativity away from you, what is locked up in your mind is safe, remember that. Erm yea I’m taking Gaelic as in Gaelic the language, or how it is in Gaelic, Gàidhlig.

Dananananaykroyd, there from Glasgow I think, yea Glasgow, my favourite song by them would have to be Black Wax. I didn’t know there was an actor like with a name like that and I have no idea how they came up with that name. You Me At Six, you probably have heard of them, I think they do some tours over in America every so often.

Oh since you are now my friend, well if you want to be, else not just ignore this bit and skip just to the end of the letter. Okay so I was sitting in registration this morning while the teacher took attendance and this new boy came in. Apparently he is new and he has been in all of my classes today and we just sort of clicked and he understands me. He has long-ish black hair that covers his right eye and he also has snake bites. He is really nice but he keeps getting lost so I end up late to all of my classes. I don’t even know why he came over to speak to me in the first place, I only noticed because he caused a shadow on the desk I was at. Weird huh? Well I think it is.

Well I hope that I made detention a little more bearable.

Alice x x x
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