Status: on hold till Summer some time

I need you, like a bullet to my brain

Bring her back

Matt's POV

I was sitting in my office chair looking through business I was interested in buying when Gates came into my office, he was holding some photo's and threw then onto my desk.

"Vengeance found her" he said and pointed to the beautiful face I once was in love with.

"She's living in a small town to the north called Watervill"

Watervill a small town to the north with the population of 3,120 people. No wonder we didn't think of the place, we've been searching all of the big cities.

"Alright, send Vengeance, The Rev and Christ to bring her to me" I ordered, "and in the mean time meet me in the front were going to go pay a visit to Gabe" I said and walked out of my office with Gates texting Vengeance my orders.

fast forward 3 hours (Vengeance's POV)

"Damn, that's a small house" Rev said when he saw the house Molly lives in.

"Got that right" I said then checked if I had my gun on me.

Once I checked I got out of my hummer, Christ and Rev followed my lead and we walked up to the house. We didn't bother knocking, we barged right in and started to look around for her.

"Dude, does she have a kid" the Rev asked as he picked up a small baby bottle to show us.
I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to searching for Molly.

"Found her" Christ said and pointed to the backyard.

"Alright, lets go get her" I said and headed for the back door. Christ and Rev were right on my heels as we quietly made it outside.

Molly was sitting in a lounge chair, her legs were stretched out in front of her, she looked like she was close to falling asleep.

"Hey, Molly did you miss me" I asked and clicked off the safety on my gun.

Molly jumped at the sound of my voice and turned to look at me and the guy's, her eyes going wide from shock.

"V-v-vengeance" she stuttered out my name.

"Grab her" I ordered an Rev and Christ both moved from my side to both of Molly's and roughly pulled her up from her chair.

We started to walk back through Molly's house to the front door when we heard crying. I looked back at the guy's and notice Molly struggling and looking at a certain room.

"knock her out" I ordered the guy's as I passed them and headed to the room where the crying was coming from.

Having my gun in hand I slowly opened the door and peaked inside the room. The room was light blue with little flowers on the walls.
I slowly stepped into the room and saw a crib in the corner of the room, inside the crib was a baby just sitting there and crying.

Looking around the room again I found a baby bag sitting next to the crib, I quickly walked over to it and opened it and found what I was looking for, a pacifier.

I threw the bag over my shoulder and walked over to where the crying baby's at and picked it up. The baby started to squirm in my arms and cry louder, so I shoved the pacifier into it's mouth and it quickly shut up.

I slowly started to walk out of the room with the baby in my arms and the bag on my shoulder. As I walked over to where the guy's were at I noticed that the Rev was holding Molly bridal style.
I walked up to Christ and handed him the baby bag.

"What's this for" he asked me as he threw the bag over his shoulder.

"It's the baby's shit" I told him and gave him the now calm baby to hold.

"Shadow's not going to like this" Christ said as he took the baby out of my arms and followed me back to my hummer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shadow's car
Zacky's hummer
Small house

Please leave me a comment!
3 comments till next update (If I get more then 3 I'll upsate two chapters)