Status: on hold till Summer some time

I need you, like a bullet to my brain


(Vengeance's POV)

"Put Molly and the kid into one of the spare bedrooms" I ordered Christ and the Rev as I pulled up to shadow's mansion.

When I turned off the car, Christ and the Rev jumped out and followed my orders to put them into a spare bedroom.

I texted Matt and he told me to wait for further instructions.

Closing my phone I got out of my car and headed into the house. It was deathly silent inside even though The Rev and Christ were here some where it still seemed deathly quiet.

I walked into the kitchen and went straight to the fridge an grabbed a cold beer or two for the guy's and I and headed to the living room to watch some baseball on the flat screen.

(Matt's POV)

Gate's and I pulled up to a local bar about forty minutes away from my mansion and parked into the parking lot.

"Ready for some fun?" I asked Gates as we entered the bar that looked like it's seen better days.

I walked right in with Gates following behind me.

"Sorry but were-" the man wiping a table was saying but stopped mid-sentence when he saw it was me walking into the bar.

"Hey, Gabe hows the business going" I asked him as I put on a fake smile and walked over to him casually.

"It's OK" Gabe answered as I came up to him, I could see fear evident in his eyes as he looked up at me.

"Really? Then you wouldn't mind giving me the seven thousand dollars you borrowed from me back" I said and pointed to his office where he kept the money.

"I-I don't have it" Gabe stuttered out and started to back away from me.

"Oh you don't" I asked in a sad tone, "Well then Gates go ahead" I said and turned my head to Gates who was by the bar and started to pick up random bottles and throwing them across the room and shattering into millions of pieces all over the place.

"Are you sure you don't have my money now" I asked turning my head back to Gabe. When he shook his head no I looked back at Gates and nodded.

Gates walked out from the bar area and started to grab random objects and breaking them.

"You have one week" I told Gabe and tapped my wrist to show him that he had a time limit and walked away.

As I exited the bar I gave Gates the keys to my car and took out my buzzing phone and flipped it open.

I had a text from him telling me that he had Molly. I just replied with wait for further instructions, then closed my phone.

"Head to the court house I have something I need to pick up" I told Gates as he started to drive.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry guys but I'm going to have to break my promise. I didn't think the story would get so many comments already.

9 more comments till next chapter? Please?

I'm still working on the layout, so please tell me what you think.