Status: on hold till Summer some time

I need you, like a bullet to my brain

Shh,be quiet you might piss somebody off

Matt's pov

As Gates drove up to my house, my anger was rising just thinking of how much time I lost worrying about Molly, when she was right under my nose the whole time.

When the car stopped I got out and stormed over to my front door.

"Where's that fucking bitch!" I shouted as I opened the front door.

"Shh,be quiet you might piss somebody off" Vengeance said as he came over to where I was standing.

"Don't tell me to be fucking quiet in my own home" I yelled and slammed my fist into the wall nearest me.

The force of my punch made a loud cracking noise. Then when I pulled my fist away from the wall I saw that I made a pretty big whole in the wall.

I was about to tell Vengeance to hire someone to fix my wall when I heard a strange wail coming from upstairs.

"What the fuck is that" I asked no one in particular.

"That would be Molly's kid" Christ said as he walked over to where Vengeance and I are standing.

"She has a brat" I asked, shock evident in his voice.

"I guess, and you woke it up" Vengeance said an shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Fuck" I mumbled as he walked past his best friends and headed towards the source of the crying.

As I neared the room with the crying baby, I could faintly hear the sound that I longed to hear, Molly's voice.
She sounded like she was trying to get the baby to be quiet.

"knock,knock" I said as cheerfully as I could then opened the door.

Molly looked up at me, fear was written all over her beautiful face. "M-Matt" Molly stuttered out as she tried to scoot further up the bed, but couldn't because she was handcuffed to the bed.

"Glad to know you remember me" I said as I walked into the room and closed the door behind me.

"P-please, you gotta let me go" Molly pleaded with me. In the past I would of given her the world if she asked me, but now, I don't give a fuck.

"Why, so that you can go and fuck some random guy behind my back" I asked her,venom dripping from every word I spoke.
I looked around the room and saw that Molly's kid was sitting next to her, still crying.

I walked over to where the baby was crying and picked it up.

"What's her name?" I asked Molly in a commanding voice.

"Kallen, her name's Kallen" Molly said. I could see her start to panic as I held her kid in my arms.

"Well then, you won't ever see Kallen again till you learn to not runaway from me. I'll send Jimmy up here to give you your new uniform" I told her and walked out of the room with Kallen still in my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kallen is pronounced (Call-en)

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9 till next chapter.

P.S I got the story title from a song by Hedley called Brand new world