Summer Love, Hidden Feelings, and Mistakes

Here She Comes

I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock. The annoying beeping made me want to cry. But not really.
I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, and disliked what I saw. To me, my face was ugly, my hair was flat, and my thighs were too big. But I guess I was the only one who thought so.
I jumped in the shower, and then got out and blow-dried my hair. That took awhile. My hair was pretty long. I walked back into my bedroom, and put on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. Oh, the small joys of summer.
My phone buzzed on my nightstand, and I walked over and checked it. It was from my older brother, Sebastian.
“Ev, come on, we have to pick up Tori. Let’s move it nuggethead.”
I smiled, fished a pair of sandals out of my closet, and grabbed my bag and cell. Then I was out the door, anxious to see my favoritest cousin in the world!
I ran down the stairs and grabbed a Luna Bar from the kitchen, and said good morning to my little sister Sienna.
“Hey, can I come with you guys?” Sienna asked.
“Yeah sure, shorty, but we have to go now,” I replied.
She jumped out of the stool she had been sitting on, and we both ran out to the car.
When we got there, Sebastian was playing Mudvane at top volume, making the whole car shake. The top on his convertible was down, and me and Sienna leaped into the car. He gunned the engine, and we were off.
I spent the car ride thinking about yesterday, and that moment on the dock when something happened between me and Spencer. What was up with that? I kinda felt like maybe, just maybe, I might be falling for him, just a little bit. But I couldn’t, could I? He had been my best friend since I was 9. I couldn’t like him, and he couldn’t like me. End of story. I hoped.
We got to the airport, and went to the gate where Victoria would soon be getting off her plane. When we got there, we sat down in the waiting area, in the uncomfortable little seats, and waited.
Thankfully, we didn’t have to wait long.
Victoria walked out, dressed in capris and a sweatshirt. Her long blond hair was piled in a messy bun on her head, and she pulled a small rolling suitcase behind her. She scanned the area, and when she caught sight of me and the others, her face burst into a radiant smile.
I jumped out of my seat and ran towards her, carelessly shoving people aside with only a small ‘sorry’.
When I reached her, she hugged me so tightly I was surprised I could still breathe.
She pulled back and said, “I missed you so freakin much!”
I laughed. “I missed you too Tori! Did you get my text?”
She gave me a stern look. “Oh, you mean the one where you set me up with Spencer? Yeah, I got that.”
I laughed at her act of being angry, and eventually her stoic expression cracked, and soon we were laughing our abs off in the middle of the airport.
“What’s so funny?” Sienna asked when the two of them walked up.
“Oh, nothing,” we replied in unison, which made us giggle some more. Sienna rolled her eyes and then hugged Victoria. “Hey Toria!”
“Hey Siennia! Snail?”
“Snail!” Sienna agreed, then put her hand out as if she was giving a fist-bump. Victoria slid her flat hand under it, which made it look like a snail with its shell on top. They had been doing that ‘secret’ handshake since Sienna was 5.
“Wow..” Sebastian said, and then he hugged Victoria too. “I missed you blondie.”
“Aww, I missed you too you big softie,” she teased. He rolled his eyes, and we all headed off to the baggage check.
Once we collected Victoria’s numerous bags, we headed out to the car.
“Still got this badass convertible then, huh Sebastian?” Victoria said smirking.
“Don’t. You. Dare. Call it a girl car again,” Sebastian said, giving Tori a look that would cause weaker women to cringe. Tori just smirked and raised her hands in mock surrender.
Me and Tori sat in the back of the car, riding along singing to the radio at the top of our lungs, and flirting with the boys in the other cars. One guy even threw his number in to the car on a crumpled up sheet of paper. It was fun, and I was so glad she was here.
When we got back to the house, and had hauled all of Tori’s stuff up to my room, we collapsed onto the bed.

“So. When do I get to see Spencer?” I asked. I must admit, I was rather excited to see him again. I hadn’t seen him for 2 years, since the last time I was here. I was only 13 then, the same age as Sienna, not caring about boys or romance, just wanting to live my life worry-free.
Look how much had changed.
“Hmm, now? It’s up to you,” Eva said.
“Yeah sure, sounds good.” My heart started to beat a little bit faster. “I’m gonna go use your bathroom.”
“Kay,” Eva responded, already texting Spencer telling him to come over.
I practically ran into the bathroom, making sure I looked good. I took my hair out, and smiled as it fell perfectly down my back, wavy from the messy bun. I put on just a touch of eyeliner and mascara, and then put on my P.S. I Love You lip gloss. That would have to do.
I walked out of the bathroom, and paused in the doorway. “How do I look?”
Eva looked up from her phone, and smiled. “Hey there stunner,” she said. I rolled my eyes and sat down in her butterfly chair.
“He’ll be here soon.”
“Mkay,” I said. I was nervous. I wanted to make a good first impression.
A knock sounded on the door. Oh shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hahahahahahah(: Happiness is like bananas! But not really. (:
Idk if this chapter is as good as the last one, but it will get better, pinky-promise!
Thanks for the comments you 2 (you know who you are)! You inspired me!

All I ever wanted to do was to fall in love, just to be in love.
-Losing It, Nevershoutnever.