Summer Love, Hidden Feelings, and Mistakes

Meeting Him

Without Eva I didn’t really do much at all in the summer, so while she was picking up Tori, I was pretty much stumped as to what to do. But hopefully, I wouldn’t be in that predicament very much the rest of the summer. Hopefully, we would all hang out and go to parties and have an enjoyable time. And maybe, I would have some type of spark with Tori. I could only hope.
I was laying in bed when I got the text.
“Come over Spenceyyy! Someone wants to seeee youuu!(:”
I smiled. And that’s when the nervousness started. Usually I don’t get nervous when it comes to girls. But this was different somehow. I had met her before, and I had been totally fine. But we were both only 13 then. Things had changed, it was more seriousness now.
I got up and put on a shirt to go with the shorts I had been wearing. I went into the bathroom and tried to tame my untidy, dark hair. It didn’t work. Oh well.
I grabbed my camera and my phone, and went out the door. It was warm out, but not hot, and there was a slight breeze. Perfect weather. I cut through the backyards to get to Eva’s house, and when I got there I let myself in. I practically lived there anyway.
Sebastian was sitting on the couch playing Assassin’s Creed 2.
“Hey man,” Spencer said.
“Hey,” Sebastian responded. “They’re upstairs. Be careful man.”
I laughed. “They’re just girls.”
Sebastian paused his game and turned to look at me. “Dude.. You don’t have sisters. You wouldn’t know. They’re scary sometimes man. Just, be careful.”
“Alright man. I will.”
“Ok, good.” He turned back to his game.
I walked up the stairs and paused at Eva’s door. It was plastered with pictures of us, and some of her and her family. Right at eye-level was a picture of Eva and Tori, taken when Eva went to visit Tori over Christmas break. Their cheeks were rosy from the cold, and they were both so pretty. The nerves started up again.
I knocked.
“Come in!” I heard Eva yell. I opened the door and went in.
Eva was sprawled on her bed, her head hanging off, her hair brushing the floor. She looked like a troll doll.
“You look like a troll doll,” I told her.
“Aww, you’re such a charmer. You remember Tori?”
“Yeah. Hey Tori, how’ve you been?” I smiled at her. Eva rolled her eyes and went back to texting.
“Good. You?”
“Good.” And awkward silence descended.
“Why the hell does he think I care if he owns an automatic banana peeler? Does he think that’s a turn-on or something?” Eva said to herself, still texting.
Me and Tori exchanged a confused look, and then turned towards Eva. She realized she was being stared at and slowly lowered her phone. “I said that out loud didn’t I?”
We all burst into laughter. The awkward moment was gone. I walked over and sat in the other butterfly chair next to Tori.
“Didn’t you have a brother that came down with you two summers ago?” I asked.
“Yeah, Seth. He’s in college now. Berkley.”
“Wow, that’s cool.”
“Yeah. He bought himself a Mustang. It’s pretty fun to ride in.”
“Wow, I wish I had a Mustang.”
“Yeah, me too,” Tori said. I looked over at her, only to find her staring at me. She blushed and looked away. I smiled. She was cute when she blushed.
“Hey, flirty-bugs. Beach?” Eva asked bluntly.
“I’m up for it. Tori?” I said.
“Yeah sure.” She got up and fished through her bags, looking for a swimsuit. She finally found one and went into the bathroom to change.
I went over to Eva’s dresser, and extracted a pair of my swim trunks from the bottom drawer, where Eva kept all the clothes that I left over here. I went into her closet to change.

As soon as Spencer went into the closet, I shoved my face into a pillow and let out a scream.
I couldn’t be jealous of Tori. No. Spencer was my best friend. I couldn’t like him. Absolutely not.
So why did I feel like that when Spencer smiled at Tori’s blush? I knew he thought it was cute. But I couldn’t feel like this. I had set them up together, for goodness sake!
I sighed, got up, pulled a purple and black bikini out of my top drawer, and changed.
I had a plan. I would find some other guy to get my mind off of Spencer. I would get caught up in another man, and that way I wouldn’t feel jealous of Tori. Right?

When I got into the bathroom, I gripped the counter with both hands and let out a deep breath. He was perfect. Pretty, funny, nice. I don’t think I could’ve found a better guy if I tried. He gave me butterflies.
I put on my rainbow colored zebra-patterned bikini, and pulled my hair into a quick ponytail. I pulled my capris on, and walked out of the bathroom.
I found Eva and Spencer sitting on the bed, him teasing her by messing up her hair every time she put it up. I laughed, then went over to the bed and sat between them, putting an arm around both of them. “Let’s go?”
“Yeah, if I can ever get my hair up!” Eva said, pretending to be angry at Spencer.
“Oh, you’ll get over it,“ he said, reaching over and messing it up again.
“UGH!” She shouted in frustration and slapped him on the arm. He just laughed.
“Come on dorkys, let’s go,” I said. “I don’t know about you guys, but I need to tan.
Eva looked over at me and gave me a once over. “Yeah, you do. You’re kinda pasty.”
Now it was my turn to slap her. “I live in Wisconsin, I’m allowed to be pasty!”

` I was getting tired of their bickering, so I decided to resolve this. I stood up, then grabbed both of them around their waists, and picked them up, one under each arm.
“Spencer!” Tori shouted. “Put us down!” Eva finished.
I laughed and complied. Eva hit me lightly and Tori childishly stuck her tongue out at me. Then they grabbed their cell phones and sunglasses and we went downstairs. Eva went into the kitchen and packed a cooler with fruit, cheese, and crackers, and then we were off.
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Chaptaa threee. :) I'm liking it so far, i hope you are too. I LOVE YOU! just felt you should know. :)

This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race.
-This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race, Fall Out Boy.