Summer Love, Hidden Feelings, and Mistakes

New Boy

I was definitely worried about my pastyness. It hadn’t really gotten warm yet up in Wisconsin, so I didn’t really have the opportunity to tan. I could fake-bake, but that was so not my style. But I guess I would just have to suck it up and work on the tan today. No way would I fit in here in Florida if I was as pale as a polar bear.

We walked down to the beach. Seagulls flew overhead, sending their loud calls through the air. I was walking between Eva and Spencer. The sun was beating down on us, and a nice, cool breeze rustled the palm trees. It was a beautiful day, perfect for the beach.

When we got there, the place was swarming with tourists. Lots of retired couples, and families with little kids. A lot of them just as pasty as me. Good. Now I could fit in with all the other vacationers.

When we got to the beach, all the tourists were out with their screaming children, enjoying the beautiful day. Wonderful..

Well at least this would give me an opportunity to put my lovely plan of forgetting my maybe feelings towards Spencer.

I scanned the crowd, looking for a suitable distraction. I saw a couple of ugly guys, a couple of my ex’s, and a couple of stuck-up snobs. Definitely not gonna happen. And that’s when I saw him.

He was leaning up against a beat-up blue minivan, staring off into the distance, iPod in hand. He was definitely a tourist, seeing as I hadn’t seen him around here before. In this town, every non-tourist knew everyone. He had dark, messy hair, and was wearing a Blessthefall band tee over black swim trunks.

He was perfect for Operation Forget About Spencer. My type, cute and not from around here. Perfect. I hoped he wasn’t gay. That would definitely ruin all my plans.

I nudged Tori, and pointed out the boy to her.
“What do you think?”

“Holy dinosaur. He’s HOT.”

I laughed. “Should I go for him?”

“If you don’t, I will.”

I laughed again. “Alright, here goes nothing.” I walked over to him with Tori by my side. Spencer yelled after us, “Hey, where ya going?!”

“We’ll be right back!” I yelled back. Then we approached him. As we got closer he looked up and noticed us coming towards him. He took the earbuds out of his ears, and gave us a once-over just as we got there. I walked straight up to him and held out my hand
“Hi, I’m Eva, and this is Tori!” I said. He smiled. A genuine smile, not the smirk cocky guys wear when they’re being hit on.

“Hey. I’m Ian. It’s nice to meet you.” Holy toast. He had a totally sexy British accent. Sweet, sexy, and foreign. What’s not to like?

“Wow..” I heard Tori say under her breath.

“So.. You here visiting family?”

“Yeah, actually. It’s pretty boring, not having anyone my age around. Gets lonely, you know?”

Was I imagining things, or was that a subtle hint that he wants to hang out with us?

“Well if you’re not busy today, we’re just gonna be hanging at the beach. I mean, if your family doesn’t mind or anything,” I said with a smile.

“Yeah, the kids are already down there, so I’m sure my aunt and uncle won’t mind, as long as I keep on eye on a couple of them,” he said, with a smile that could melt even the coldest heart.

“Alright cool.” I turned around to look for Spencer so he could come meet Ian, but when I finally found him he was over by the beach entrance with Tori, introducing her to a couple of our friends.

“Our crowds over there, come on and meet everybody,” I said, pointing to the group.

“Okay,” he said, and walked over to them with me.

“Hey everybody!” I said, hugging a couple of them. “This is Ian, he’s visiting family down here.”

“Hi everyone,” he said, kinda shyly. Everyone responded with “Hey!” or “What’s up, man?” A couple of the guys did the bro-hug.

“Alright, let’s move down to the beach and swim!” said Spencer. We all agreed and walked down the stairs to our favorite beach.

When Eva and Tori left me to go talk to tourist-boy, I’m not gonna lie, I was kinda mad. They just abandoned me. And seeing Eva talk to another guy, who she was clearly gonna go for, it made that jealousy bubble up again. I’m not sure why, but it just did.

So I waited by the top of the stairway down to the beach, hoping they wouldn’t take too long getting his number. We were here to swim and tan, not get random numbers.

Thankfully, a couple of our friends showed up, and we started talking and goofing around. Tori came over while Eva was talking to tourist-boy, so I introduced her to the group.

Finally, Eva started heading over. Not so thankfully, tourist-boy was with her. Well at least she didn’t waste any time seducing him.

She introduced him to the group as Ian. He said “Hi everyone,” in a British accent. That made me understand why Eva liked him so much. She loves accents.

Finally, with tourist-boy in tow, we made our way down to the beach.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha sorry it took me so long to update! School suucks(: Buuut only 9 days left!
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"& even though she doesn't believe in love, he's determined to call her bluff. Who could deny these butterflies? They're filling his gut."-Remembering Sunday, All Time Low