Summer Love, Hidden Feelings, and Mistakes


The first thing I did when we got down to the beach was spread out my towel and start applying sunscreen. Spencer offered to help me put it on hard to reach places, and even though I was perfectly capable of doing it myself (I’m a dancer, we’re flexible), I accepted. Why not, you know. Hopefully, I’d be going out with him soon. Might as well get used to his touch.
I saw Eva walk away from the group, towards Ian, who was out in the ocean with two little blond girls, who looked like they were about 6. I saw Ian introducing Eva to them, and then they scampered away towards their parents, obviously too shy to talk to Eva.
I figured Eva and Ian would return to the group and socialize now, but instead they started walking down the beach. Great, Evie, just leave me alone with a group of people I barely know. Good idea.
I made small talk with Spencer and a girl named Maria, about Wisconsin, my school, my friends back home, my family. About ten minutes after Eva left me, a girl named Lara, and her boyfriend Hunter, got up and announced they were gonna take a walk.
“Hey, if you run into Eva, could you tell her to get her skinny little butt back here,” I asked them.
“Yeah, no problem,” Lara responded with a smile. Hunter didn’t say anything. I don’t think I had heard him talk all day.
And then it went back to the small talk. Spencer got up and got me a smoothie, which was really sweet of him.
“Here, it’s mango,” he said, handing it to me. I LOVE mangos. Seriously, they’re one of my favorite things EVER. How did he know that?
“It’s Evie’s favorite, I thought you’d probably like it.” Of course. Eva was just as crazy about them as I was.
Speaking of Eva…
She was walking towards the group with that Ian guy. Holding his hand. All thoughts of yelling at her for leaving me left my mind.
The whole group fell silent. They had all noticed the new development.
“Who died?” Eva said cheerfully, stepping into the midst of the group, pulling Ian along with her. She sat down on her towel, right next to mine, and Ian sat next to her. They were still holding hands. Eva didn’t waste any time.
“Umm, hey Eva, let’s go in the water,” I said, shooting her a meaningful look. She sighed, let go of Ian’s hand, and followed me to where the waves were rolling into the shore.
“I know what you’re gonna say,” Eva said. “I’m just having some fun, ok? He’s a nice guy.”
“Evie, I trust your judgment. Just be careful, ok? You just met him,” I said, giving her a look.
“You’re one to talk. You barely know Spencer and you’re already letting him put his pervy 16-year-old boy hands all over you!”
I whipped my head around and glared at her. She stared back into my eyes defiantly.
“If I recall correctly, that was your idea,” I said quietly. Then I turned and walked back to my towel.

I turned to the ocean and let out a sigh. She was right. I was being completely unfair. I had set them up, and they could do whatever the hell they wanted. And I couldn’t judge, no matter how jealous I was getting.
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Look who finally updated!! ME!!
Mkayy, so, boys are dumb. I just thought you all should know what i think about that.

Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year.-Weightless, All Time Low.