Summer Love, Hidden Feelings, and Mistakes

The Boardwalk

I was angry. Really angry. I had no right to be, and I knew it. But when that Ian kid walked up with Eva, holding her hand, I was just filled with rage. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him, or didn’t trust her judgment, even though we had all only meet him like an hour ago. It was something entirely different that I can’t even describe. Jealousy, maybe?
Ian was talking to some of the guys about where he was from and why he was here. Tori came back to the group, leaving Eva standing in the ocean looking completely lost in thought.
“What was that about?” I asked Tori.
“Nothing important,” she responded with a smile. “I’m hungry, where’s that fruit Eva brought?”
I grabbed the cooler and handed it to her. Eva came back over and sat on her towel right next to Tori’s, and grabbed a couple grapes, while Ian came over and sat next to her.
“So what do you guys want to do now? I’d say we should teach these rookies how to surf, but the waves are too docile,” Eva said.
“We could go up to the boardwalk,” I said.
“Yeah, let’s do that!” Tori said.
“Alright, yeah,” I said. I told the group of our plans while the girls gathered their things and Ian walked over to his family to let them know what was going on. A couple of our friends decided to go with us, including Hunter, Lara, Maria, and another girl Kaitlynn, so we all put the stuff we didn’t need in Hunters car and walked over to meet Ian by his family.
He introduced us to his family, which included his aunt, uncle, and 4 kids, Lucas, Lauren, Briana, and Haley. He asked us if it was alright if we brought along the little twin girls, and of course all the girls agreed. We finally made our way to the boardwalk.
We decided that ice cream sounded good, and the twins wanted to ride one of the rides, so me, Hunter, Ian, Maria, Kaitlynn, and Tori, went to get the ice cream while Eva and Lara each rode the ride with one of the girls.
I bought Eva’s favorite kind of ice cream for her, mint chocolate chip in a bowl not a cone, and I also paid for Tori’s, figuring it would win me brownie points with her. Then we all started walking down the boardwalk in the direction of the ride the girls were on. They got off just as we walked up, and the twins were actually talking, which I hadn’t heard them do at all during the 10 minute walk from their family to the boardwalk. They fell silent again as the rest of group joined them though. They were obviously really shy. I walked over to Eva and handed her the ice cream.
“Mint chocolate chip?” she asked with a smile.
“Of course,” I said, smiling back. She was so pretty when she smiled..

Spencer’s idea of going to the boardwalk was wonderful. I immediately got lost in thought, picturing me and Spencer riding the Ferris Wheel at dusk… No. Wait. Me and Ian. Not Spencer. Geez, what the hell was wrong with me..
We packed up our stuff and threw it in Hunter’s car, then made our way over to where Ian’s family was located.
He introduced us to his aunt Elaine and his uncle George, and their children, two of which I hadn’t met yet, Lucas, who was 9, and Haley, who was only 2. Immediately after he was introduced, Lucas pointed to the sandcastle he had spent all day building, which was pretty much just a pile of sand with seashells stuck in it in some places. Ian’s aunt and uncle had asked if we could take the twins with us so they wouldn’t be so overwhelmed and of course we agreed.
We started walking to the boardwalk, and I was unable to hold Ian’s hand due to the fact that he had a twin already holding each of his hands. I was perfectly alright with this. The twins didn’t say a single word as we walked along the beach, on the very edge of the water, not even to Ian. I guess they were intimidated by the group of eight teenagers they were walking with. I probably would’ve been too if I was them.
I walked in the middle of the group with Ian, the twins, Tori and Spencer. Maria and Kaitlynn were ahead, picking up seashells and sea glass and occasionally running through the waves, giggling. Lara and Hunter were behind us all, walking hand in hand silently, content to just be with each other. They had been best friends for so long before they started dating that I don’t even remember when it was that they actually became official. I found myself wondering if me and Spencer would ever be like that, but I quickly shook the thought from my head.
We arrived at the boardwalk and the twins asked Ian if they could ride one of the rides. Me and Lara volunteered to take them, and the others went off to get ice cream.
We got to the ride, and the line was fairly long. The twins finally started talking as we asked them about their life back home. We learned a lot about them, their family, and even Ian.
They were from Oakville, Connecticut; they had a dog named Fluffy who wasn’t even fluffy anymore because mommy shaved it; they went to a school called John Trumbull Primary School, which had really good chicken nuggets sometimes; Lauren’s best friend was Anna, Briana’s was Lily; they had a treehouse in their backyard where they sometimes had sleepovers; Lauren’s favorite food was popcorn, Briana’s was pizza with no vegetables; Ian was staying with them because his daddy was in Japan for business; they were in Florida because mommy wanted a vacation; and countless other things. They were really sweet girls once they started talking.
We finally got to the front of the line and paid the $3 each it cost to ride the ride. It was a pretty calm ride with only a couple little hills, and the twins were giggling the whole time. When we got off, the group was waiting for us by the exit, and the twins immediately stopped talking and ran over to Ian. Spencer walked over to me and handed me a bowl of ice cream.
“Mint chocolate chip?” I asked him, smiling because of how well he knew me.
“Of course,” he responded, also smiling. He had such an amazing smile..
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Holy shoot it's been a long time since I've posted. Haha. I just had the sudden urge to write today, and here we are. (:

"I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck
Than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me." -Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off, Panic! At The Disco