Status: I'm writing it.Comment plzzz.

Maybe it's inside of me stop this monster


I woke up to My Chemical Romance playing on my phone.
"Hello?"I asked still half asleep.
"Jess!Why are you still asleep?"Amy's voice came from the other end.
"I'm sleepy that's why!"
"Okay.Get ready I'm going to take you out to find a boyfriend."Before I could protest she hung up the phone.I showered and got dressed still thinking about the boy I saw last night.Was it really a dream?I walked down stairs to see no one.
"She's never home."My face got hot until it started to hurt again."Ow!"I moaned,grabbing the side of my face....then it stopped.Amy came running through the door.
"What happened?"she yelled,probably because she heard me scream.
"Nothing,"I mumbled.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes,let's go."We left for the mall to look for my 'sole-mate'.We were walking around the mall until I sat down on one of the benches.
"Come on Jess!We haven't found anyone yet,"Amy said trying to pull me up.
"No I'm tired,"I wined.She sat down next to me.I was about to get up until I heard someone talking.
"I know she's so stupid,"one of them giggled.I turned my head just enough for me to see them.It was two of the 'popular' girls.
"Did you see her clothes?Goth much?"The other laughed..I knew they were talking about me.I looked down at my clothes.I had a MCR shirt and black pants with a black jacket,and shoes.
"You know if you're going to call me names say it to my face,not behind my back!"I got up and looked at them.I lost my temper(again.)and then I got that pain in my face.It lasted longer and hurt worse than any of the others.When it finally stopped I looked up.Everyone stared in horror except Amy,who grabbed my arm and pulled me away.
"What was that?"She asked in panic.
"What was what?"I questioned.I was confused.What did I miss?
"Y-your face.It looked like something was trying to pull out of the side of your face!"She panicked even more.
I looked at her in shock.I didn't know what to do so I ran."Wait!"
I didn't.I ran until I got to an old abandon house.I walked inside and saw a broken mirror.When I looked in to it I was shocked.The side of my face was blood red.
"It stings doesn't it?"There he was again.Man what is this guy a stalker?
"Who are you?"I asked.
"You should learn to control you temper,"that was all he said.
"Then stop provoking me!"I fell to my knees again as the pain came back.This time I opened my eyes to see what looked like me,only all the skin was burned off.My anger turned to fear as the boy rushed over to me.He held me in his arms and what ever it was went away and was no longer trying to get out.
"Victor,"he whispered.
"What?"I asked not letting go of him.
"My name is Victor.I know what it's like and I want to help you.Before you tear up your pretty face."I looked up at him and gave him a small smile.I felt safe in his arms,laying in there like nothing in the world could hurt me.That's where I fell asleep.When I woke up I was n my room.I looked at the clock.
"12:00AM?"I said to my self as more of a question then a statement.I looked around to see Victor sitting on the floor,eyes closed.I watched him sleep.He had the hurt part of his face covered up.I got up trying not to male a sound.I failed horribly.His eyes shot open."Sorry I woke you,"I said walking over to him.
"No problem.What time is it?"He asked stretching his arms.
"12:00 in the morning."
"12:00?Your up early."
"Oh well.You want some thing to eat?"I asked.
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1 reader?That sucks.