Sequel: Angel Needed

Hero Needed

Picture Perfect

Ashton’s POV

I walked along the hall, ignoring everyone and everything. It was better this way.

A bunch of kids boo-ed at me, shouting things like “fag” or “Freak.” One was smart enough to yell “Homosexual.” We learn something each day.

Despite all of the teasing, I didn’t let it get to me. My grades were perfect. Although, I will always get an F in Social Life. Not that I minded.

Jason, my buddy, met me in English, like always.

We took a seat near the corner of the room. Jason started talking about sports as soon as we sat down.

He played with his pink hair, flirting with one of his football team mates.

I didn’t mind. It wasn’t like I was paying attention to him anyways.

Don’t get me wrong, I Jason was a great football player, but there was only so much a person can take!

I supported Jason, but sports weren’t that interesting. Why draw so much attention to ourselves?

A pencil hit the side of my head, giving me an instant headache.

Scanning the crowd, I saw Valexander Belmont sitting two seats behind me, smirking.

I grabbed my personal textbook and chucked it at him.

It hit.

I wish.

Valex caught it in his hand just before it reached his face. So close.

A piece of paper fluttered out. Valex picked it up to examine. After a second, he crumpled it up and shit it into the nearest trash can.

I had the urge to throw another one at him. On second though, maybe the desk. Yeah, the desk would work.

Last class, I had drawn a picture of moody Valexander with his head in his hands. He looked so brooding that I couldn’t resist.

He didn’t seem pleased. Not one bit.

Valex and I used to be the best of buds up until 9th grade. He left me for the “bad boy” life style. Now, we were enemies.

A year later, I still had the world’s hugest crush on him. He was the sexiest thing on two legs. And speaking of those legs, they were niiiiice!

The sound of chalk against a chalk board drew my attention to the front of the room. Mr.Hamilton was writing down our next project. His hand writing was neat and swirly. Weird how I noticed these things.

Romeo and Juliet Act Out

Under, he wrote the names of the partners he picked.

Jason and Bryan
Millie and Annabell
Mason and Steven
Kitty and Drake
Shana and Lance
Ashton and Valexander


Me and Valex? That was not good.

I lowered my head, but could still feel his eyes shooting daggers at me throughout the whole class.

Please,bell, please ring!
