Sequel: Angel Needed

Hero Needed

Surprise, My Cousin

Ashton's POV

I lay back in my comfy bed ans stare at the ceiling. Reilly was okay. They were able to save her in time.l It felt as if a hundred punds had been lifted from m my body. Damon had driving me home after I nearly fell asleep. It was ten O'clock now and i was tired.

The door bell rung and I waited. When it chimed again, I knew that ma and da weren't coming home soon. Sighing, i crawled out of bed and headed downstairs. Not that I cared. There was no way i was going to sleep.

As soon as I opened the door, I was ambushed by a green eyed, silver haired girl in a neon paint splatter Alice In Wonderland style dress. We fell back and i lightly hit the back of my head against the carpeted floor. The girl got off of me grinned.

"Mortricia, that hurt," I goaned and glared at my cousin. i was about to attack her, but the sight of another boy stopped me.

He was so adorable! With shaggy black hair, pale eyes, thin body built, and shortness. He was at least four inches shorter than me, and I was 5'6. That was pretty short for an 11th grader. Damon and Valex were both a taller than me. Damon was 5'9, and Valex was 5'11.

"Um...Hello," I greeted him unsurely. He blushed and looked away. Shy one, wasn't he?

Mortricia stepped back and took the boy's hand. "This is Rex Cain," she said in her sing song voice."He's staying with us!" She pushed past me and walked into the house, Rex trailing behind her.

I closed the door and followed them into the living room. Mortricia urged Rex to sit on the couch next to her. He did but scrunched up so that he wouldn't take up too much space. Like that was possable, I thought as i sat down on Mortricia's other side.

"Why are you here and why didn't you call ahead of time so that i would not be completely surprised that you were at my front door waiting to ambush me," I asked all in one breath. It wasn't an easy thing to do. Trust me.

Mortricia leaned back and yawned. " It was on shirt notice and my phone died before i could get a chance to call you," she explained.

Rex mumbled something under his breath. I leaned over and said "whaaaaat?" I was going to make this guy talk al least once.

"She was texting some guy on the phone," he said louder and looked at the floor. Wow, he was shyer than me! I laughed out loud and Rex smiled a bit. Soooo cute! Rex and I were going to get along just fine.
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