Status: Important to keep in mind: Only updated when commented on.

Still Doll

Enchanting Doll

The next morning, as Alexander's strict orders had stated, no one was to disturb Kanon during her sleep. She needed a good day's rest, and when she finally calmed down and recovered from her terrifying dream, she would start her daily duties afterwards. What had happened the night before was all the servants could talk about. They whispered behind his back about how he had carried her like a prince charming to his room and spent the night comforting her. It really was the talk of the day, of what Alexander and Kanon had no idea about.

Alexander paced back and forth across his office, muttering to himself. He couldn't stop thinking about the night before. Well, about mainly two things: how much the nightmare had affected Kanon, and how much Kanon's tearful eyes and sweet voice had affected him. He decided that he would forget about his odd and new feelings and focus on today's main event: his cousin coming to visit him.
Why, of all times, does he have to come visit me now?! Alexander thought to himself, frustrated. The tall, handsome aristocrat with his soft, black hair tied walked out of the room, and for some reason, also decided that just taking a peek wouldn't hurt. As long as he was quiet there wouldn't be any harm in that, right?

Alexander took his time walking to his room, and nervously placed his hand on the door knob. Deep breaths came in and out of his nose as he opened the door slowly and cautiously leaned inside. His footsteps were barely audible, just as he wanted it. Slowly, step by step, he crept beside his bed and leaned closer to take a closer look. There she was. The delightful sleeping doll laid there on his bed, comforted by his pillow and bed sheets. She slept peacefully, as if nothing in the world could wake her from her quiescent state. Alexander sighed in defeat to the angelic expression on her face and walked away slowly.

Ah! he thought to himself, almost ashamed. What is wrong with me?!

It had passed a few hours after that, and it was already afternoon. It was about time for his cousin, Henry, to arrive at his mansion. He was a bit spoiled-well, he was awfully spoiled, so he was to be pleased at all times. That was simply all there was to it. In a sudden moment of rush, the door bell rang, and the butler, loudly but professionaly, announced that Sir Henry had arrived. Alexander rushed down the stairs and straightened up his slightly wrinkled garment. He nodded quickly to his butler, giving him the sign that he was ready for him to come inside. Well, almost ready.

The door slowly opened, as though it were a moment going in slow motion. From the other side of the big polished wooden door came in...

…a medium sized boy, with emerald green eyes and golden hair with the radiance of a dozen golden coins. His face was oddly perfect, and his skin had the texture of a baby. Just by glancing at him, you could tell very clearly he was surrounded by money. Another reason to please him all together even more.

“Henry!” Alexander called, sounding more happy about his presence than he actually was. “So good to see you!”

“Yes, yes.” Henry gave his jacket and hat to the butler, paying no attention to Alexander. “No time for chat, I'm here strictly on business.”

Alexander suddenly felt both annoyed and a bit confused. “Business?” he said.

“Business,” Henry repeated. “I'm here about that girl you brought in from the hands of that Johnson kid.”

Kid? He's only thirteen years old! On business? “Ah, yes. You mean Kanon.”

“Oh, Talon, Melon, what's the difference.”

Why you little... “Yes...” Alexander hissed, quietly, Henry not being able to hear him. “Isn't there anything you'd like first?”

Then, at the top of the grand elegant stairs, there Kanon stood, still in her sleeping garments. She rubbed her eyes twice and yawned, clearly sleepy. Henry, at the bottom of the steps, gazed up at her, his eyes not leaving her sight. She was completely different from what he had expected. The enchanting doll standing there, looking lost, looked so...beautiful.

“Henry?” Alexander called, raising an eyebrow at his spaced out expression. “Henry?”

Out of nowhere, the clever boy filled with awe, proclaimed, “I want her!
♠ ♠ ♠
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For Parasite~♥

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