Status: Deleted scenes.

You Have to Get Used to It - Disc Two: Special Features

Hey everybody!

This is disc two of our magical movie here.

All of these chapters really have nothing to do with the story. Well, yes they do, but what I mean is they don't affect the story. These are like the things that didn't make it or we couldn't make work. They're only here for your enjoyment and love for Justin, Liz, Mel, Matt, Josh, Tony, and Jesse. I hope you love us enough for this one, because really, there's no point in reading other than seeing what other things we had in mind for the thing. They're not in any specific order.

As always, we have the blog which I shall hyperlink eventually.
We have the playlist, and I'll probably make another one for this one, or add onto it.
And I hope you love it.
  1. Perfect Teeth, the Way We Are
    Flashback with Mars Attacks! (Disclaimer: There is no Mars Attacks! involved in these chapters. Sorry, everybody.)
  2. I Think I Can Remember Your Name
    Mel's POV... this is actually from IHTBTYAPOM...
  3. I Never Knew the Way to Pasadena
    A view at the end of my alternate alternate reality of JCP.
  4. All We Are Are Memories
    This is the Matt/Pancake chapter.
  5. The Hear Away
    A chapter I could never fit into the chapters.