Status: A brand new story that I'm starting, while I'm bored of writing my other story.

Mr. Blue Eyes



She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The night we met was unbelieveable. She was always telling me that it was like a fairytale.

My uncle was out of the house for a few days, so I had decided to leave the house and walk around town a bit. Loud music was booming through the air, not too far away from our house, so I walked pretty far away to escape it and get some peace and quiet. I wanded off a bit into a place that I had never been around before, so I started exploring a bit. Eventually I found a big, white bridge over a little river. I remember looking up at the moon and feeling some unexplainable chill of excitment, so I decided to run over to the bridge and jump onto the ledge. I let my feet dangle over the side and just sat there, letting everything escape my mind and finally, I had reached a peaceful, silent state of mind.

A few minutes later, I heard the grass rustlingbehind me and I spun backward to see what it was. What I saw was the most unexpected, amazing thing in the entire world. A beautiful girl, about my age, stood at the beginning of the wooden path on the bridge, staring at me. She was wearing a pink prom dress type of thing, that shimmered in the moonlight. She seemed distressed, yet she was sort of smiling.

I ran my fingers through my messy hair and managed a few words. "I'm, uh, Derek. In case you wanted to know." It freaked me out, how my own voice was breaking the extreme silence between us, but I started laughing to make the situation more comfortable.

She loosened up a bit and practicaly ran over to my side. My breath thinned out as she came closer to me and she finally stopped to say, "Thanks for letting me know. My name's Katie."

Katie. The name bounced around in my head, as I looked her up and down. She was completley done up. It looked as if she had spent hours getting dressed. I couldn't even imagine that I had really been talking to this girl, but she stayed and we ended up talking. Eventually, I lifted her carefully up, next to me, on the ledge and I had to hold onto her tight. The moment made it seem that I had to hold her, so that she wouldn't fall into the water, but I really had wanted to her anyway. I wanted to be close to her, yet I wanted to show it even more, to I nestled her head closer into myself, then I rested my head on top of hers. I took her hand and we rested with each other on that big, white bridge for hours. I told her that she never had to leave my side. The extrodinary thing is that she said she never would, and she never did for the rest of her life.
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Most chapters won't be like this, I just wanted the opening to be the same story in each of their point of views. I hope you liked it!