Why Cant my Life be a Bed of Roses

Chapter 2: Unexpected dreams and visits

Dream state
I was walking in blackness. I didn't know were I was going, all I knew was that I had to keep moving. It felt like hours before I could actually see anything, but it wasn't much just a lil white dot maybe the size of a quarter. I sped up to see if I could see anything. As I got closer I could see the shape of a person. I couldn't see there face cause there back was towards me. "Hey!!" I tried to yell, but nothing came out of my mouth but my words. Literally they floated right in front of me. Creepy. I may not have made actual sound but the person standing in the light heard me, cause they turned around and I saw there face. "Daddy?" I asked tears started forming in the corners of my eyes. He smiled at me. He held out his hand like asking me to come foreword. I started running to him. "Daddy!!" I yelled. When I got to him I flung myself into his arms. I half expected to go right through him, but was glad when I didn't. I started sobbing into his chest since I was still shorter then him. He didn't say anything but just rubbed my back like he used to do when I cried. He held me until I stopped crying, he always knew when I stopped crying even before I knew it. When I was done I looked at him and he kissed my forehead. I smiled. "Oh daddy I missed you so much." I said. "I was never gone." He said. Then just like that he was gone. "Daddy? Daddy!!" I yelled turning and looking for him. When I couldn't find him, I took off running in the direction I saw the, now missing, white light. I ran and I ran, then the blackness changed. I was now surrounded by a burning building. I started in horror when I realized it was the same building that was burned into my mind forever. This night, this building, this fire is what took my father away from me and one of the reason I ran away. I saw my 14 year old body being taken out of the burning building. "Shes not breathing." Some guy yelled. The ambulance wasn't there yet. They set me on the ground and and started doing CPR. I started gasping for air. If I think really hard I can remember this part. The first thing that came out of my mouth was my dad. I looked at the building just in time to see it collapse right in front of me. I screamed so loud, I don't know what but something told me that my father didn't make it out, alive at least.
~end dream state~
I scared myself awake. I remember after I screamed everything went black. I woke a week later, they said I was in a coma for about a week for all the smoke I inhaled. I looked around my room and remember right before the fire me and my father had a fight and I never got the chance to say I was sorry. I ran to the bathroom and throw up what lil was in my stomach. After I was done I sat there and cried myself back to sleep. I woke again to see Jace trying to wake me up. "Mommy I'm hungry." He said tugging my shoulder. I sat up and had to close my eyes from the killer headach that found its way into my head. I stumbled on the stairs. "What do you want? Pancakes or French toast?" I asked. He pretend to think for a while. "French toast." He said jumping up and down. I laughed. "Okay go run away while I make it for you, but don't break anything." I said. I started looking for all the ingredients. When I found everything I started cracking the eggs in the bowel. While I was making the french toast I let my mind wonder to my dad. Some people say that they hate there parents and they cant wait to move out, but I could never say that. My father was all I had left. My mother left us when I was 5. My father tried to tell me that she was coming back but what he didn't know was that I was awake when she walked out on us. She broke my my fathers heart and almost tore my only family apart, but my father got it together for me. He still stayed up looking at her photo and staying next to the phone hoping for her to call. I gave up on her coming back way before my father did. My father was a kind caring man, that's what got him killed that night. I can feel the tears forming at the corner of my eyes. My father had a lot of sayings when I was crying, but he mostly said two of them. The first was 'Never frown, someone might be falling in love with your smile.' and the second one(which is my fave) is 'You might just one person to the world, but to one person you are the world.' I don't know why he'd say that, but he always said it. The doorbell brought me out of my memories. I walked to the door to see who it was. I opened it to see my two two besties standing at the door. "Inna, Aidan. What are you doing here?" I asked. "What are you talking about? You are back home and you thought your two bestfriends weren't going to come over and welcome you back?" Inna asked. I laughed she can be so dramatic sometimes. "Are you going to stand there? Or are you going to give us a hug?" Aidan asked opening his arms. I smiled, but hugged him he hugged back. "My turn." Inna said pulling me into a hug. I laughed but hugged back. "Oh Storm I missed you so much." She gushed, she started to tighten the hug. "Cant....breath....." I gasped. She let go laughing. Before I can say anything else Jace popped up behind me. "Hi." Jace said. "Um...Storm why is there a lil kid in your house?" Inna asked. "I'm no lil kid. I big boy, ask momma." Jace said glaring at her. "Momma?" They asked at the same time. "Well that's a long story. Come on in. I was just making some french toast." I said trying to change the subject. "Oh french toast." Inna said walking to the kitchen with Jace following her. I can always change the subject with Inna, but Aidan on the other hand. "Don't give me that look." I said. "Its not what you think." I said. "Is it?" He asked. "It isn't." I said looking away I hate it when he puts me on the spot. "Well if it is you'd tell me right?" He asked. "Yeah I would." I lied. He nodded and smiled. "Okay well I smell french toast." He said walking past me. I rolled my eyes. "Where's Inna?" I asked walking in the kitchen. "Up stairs." He was sitting at the table like he owned the place. "Oh Storm shes so cute." Inna said coming down stairs holding Ocean. "How'd you know she was up there?" I asked going back to making breakfast. "Jace told me. So I just had to go and see for myself." She said playing with Ocean. I rolled my eyes again. "So are you making us breakfast?" Adian asked. "No are you crazy. You both have homes go eat there." I said. "Ah come on were your guests. Your not a very good hostess." He said acting hurt. I laughed. "Yeah well I anit the one who called you over now was I?" I asked. "Ha she has you there." Inna laughed. Aidan and Inna starting going at it like they used to do when we were kids and me and Anthony would usually be sitting in the background and just laugh at there immatureness. "Storm!!" Inna yelled snapping me out of my daydream. "What?" I asked. Then I smelled it. "Are you trying to kill us?" Aidan laughed. I glared at him. "No." I said getting the water sprayer thing from the sink. I squirted the small fire. "Mommy killed it." Jace said jumping up and down. "Storm?" Inna asked. I looked at her. "Yeah?" I asked. "How about we go out to breakfast?" She offered. I laughed. "Okay, but your paying." I said. She laughed. "No, Aidan is." She said. "Hey!! Why me?" Aidan asked looking hurt. "Because your a man, and men pay." Inna glared. "Okay I'm paying." He said getting up. "Yay." Inna jumping up with Ocean. I swear sometimes they act like a married couple.
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this took forever. I had some many other things I was going to put in here but for some reason this seemed better then all the other things. hope you like it. I worked really hard considering I've been home sick all weekend.