Status: A Story Between - Brittany&Patsy (watchout!itsbrittany & Deceiver of Fools). In the process.

Hey, Ho, Why Can't We Go?

o10. Gavin Don Hendrix


“No! Let me go!” she screeched as the man in the yellow security jacket grabbed her.

“Veanna,” her name flowed out unintentionally into a murmur. As if something clicked in my head I started to run towards her. “Veanna! Veanna!” I yelled after her.

A sudden pain in my stomach stopped me. A security guard had struck me in the gut to shut me up and I feel to the floor, holding my stomach as if everything were to fall out.

“Please!” she kept screaming, “Stop!” I watch her be carried away by the man, tears streaming down her face.

I couldn’t help her.

I had to watch as they took Librus and Ayria too. There is nothing worse than watching your best friends be taken from you to a fate unimaginable.

Trying to stand, a pain rapidly shot through my side. He had kicked me in the ribs so the result were my screams of pain. Though I quickly got up on my feet and managed to punch him square in the jaw, giving me enough time to run.

Stumbling in pain to get off stage, I tried to follow the security guards that took my friends. The only downside was they were nowhere to be found. Clutching my side, I ran towards screams that could sort of be made out to be one of them but it was too hard to tell because of all of the commotion and screaming from everyone else. I stopped and stood near the back wall, looking around to see if I could find anyone. It was empty. I quietly walked down a hallway until I found a door. My nerves were heightening, along with the pain.

“Veanna?” I whispered into the crack of the door.

A hand slammed onto my shoulder, “Not quite,” a husky voice replied. I quickly turned around to see the security guard I had punched moments before standing there.


Trying to make a run for it, he tripped me. I was gasping in pain on the floor because ribs slammed into the ground causing even more pain than before. He flipped me over briskly and gave me a malicious grin before striking me in the face. At this point, I couldn’t tell what hurt more; my ribs, my eye, or my fear that I had no idea of what was happening to Veanna, Librus, and Ayria. I closed my eyes, giving in to the pain, and let him take me where ever my next destination was.

After a while of dragging, throwing, and kicking, I was finally shoved into a room. I groaned from the excruciating pain I was feeling almost all over my body.

“Blimey! Gavin!” Librus voice exclaimed. He ran over to me to help me up and onto the couch. “You look like complete shit,” he continued. I gave him a really-now-? look.

“Gavin?” a horse voice whispered.

I looked over to see Veanna in the corner of the room with Ayria’s arms draped around her in comfort. Veanna didn’t look so good herself. Eyes red and puffy, nose running, messed up hair, and makeup running down her face.

“Veanna...” I smiled. She was okay.

She got up and quickly walked over to the couch and sat down. I put my arms around her and she cried into my shoulder. Librus got up silently and went back over to Ayria to continue to comfort her. It looked as if the situation was finally getting to her. I gave Veanna a kiss on the head and wished that I could tell her everything was going to be alright, even though I was almost positive it wasn’t.

January 25th, 2005

“So Gavin, tell me, what were your new years resolutions?” Gavin’s friend Frank teased. They were waiting to get in to the concert for a local band’s album release. “Less booze-more girls. Or the other way around?” he laughed.

Gavin laughed with him, “Well see how it turns out.” He took a puff of his cig and flicked the excess ash off.

Gavin and his friend had been waiting for over half an hour now and the doors were finally opening. “‘Bout fuckin’ time,” Frank muttered.

Everyone started rushing in to get good spots near the stage. Gavin flicked his cigarette on the ground and followed Frank into the building. Everyone was pushing and shoving because the doors and entry room were so small. They both had probably stepped on, shoved at, and elbowed at least two dozen people each.

“Ow!” Someone yelled as he dug his elbow into someone to get through.

“Sorry,” he said half-heartedly, not even looking to the person.

He and Frank finally made it to the stage and floor. They quickly caught sight of their usual spot to the right of the stage by the wall, so they wouldn’t get caught up in the crowd. Getting there, however, was just as difficult. There were more “Excuse me”’s and “Sorry”’s, neither of them meant it but it was as polite as they would get. Almost to their destination, he quickly shoved past a few people and made it.

“Oi!” someone yelled in his direction.

Gavin looked over to see this beautiful girl with black and blue hair. He stared for a while until Frank nudged him.

“Bleedin’ hell! You off your rocker?” she exclaimed, starting to walk over to him.

Gavin couldn’t stop starring. He cleared his throat, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-” she cut him off.

“Wha’? Shove me aside like any other duff?” Anyone could tell she was getting more than pissed.

“V,” the guy she was with put a hand on her shoulder, “let it go.” Another girl showed up too. This one had fire engine red hair though.

“I didn’t mean to offend you- honest!” Gavin justified.

The girl took a deep breath in and let it out, “It’s fine.” She was about to turn back around when he continued.

“Can I get you something?” He paused, “You know, as an apology?”

“No. Thank you,” she offered him a forced smile.

“My name’s Gavin, by the way,” he offered a hand.

She took it and added, “Veanna.” There was a moment where they just stopped and their eyes connected for a brief moment. She cut it though and looked back to the guy she was with and a flash of spite crossed her eyes. “And I think I actually will take you up on your apology,” she smiled to him.

Gavin smiled back and nodded, “Be back,” he said over his shoulder to Frank.

They both made their way back to the entry way and to the counter. He had bought her an energy drink, one of the two choices sold there. The other being water. The two of them had struck up a long conversation while there. They talked about the bands they were seeing, if they played instruments themselves, and where they went to school.

There was something that really caught Gavin’s attention, though. “Wait, so you and your two friends play bass and guitar and sing? Why not start a band of your own?” he suggested.

“I don’t see why. We don’t have a drummer. Plus, I don’t think it would go to far,” she shot him down before taking a sip of her drink.

“I do. Play drums that is.” he smiled down at her, “Come on! Just for shits ‘n’ gigs,” he laughed.

“Fine. Whatever,” she laughed, knowing she couldn’t stop him.

They started walking back to their friends. Just in time too, the opening band was finishing up setting up their equipment and were about to start. Veanna introduced Gavin to Librus and Ayria and he introduced Frank and all together they hung out for the rest of the night. Dancing, talking, laughing- just having a great time. He didn’t want the night to end, but of course that came very quickly.

Librus and Ayria started going back to the car after the concert was over. Veanna stayed just a bit longer to say goodbye to Gavin. Frank decided to wait for Gavin in the entry room.

“Now, I do believe I need your number if we’re going to follow through with the plan,” Gavin winked at Veanna. She laughed and nodded while he pulled out his phone. She punched it in and took out her’s for him.

They both smiled at each other afterwards. Gavin’s smile faded a bit more. “When can I see you next?” he asked slightly moving closer.

“I dunno... soon?” Veanna shrugged her shoulders.

Gavin was smiling again from her response and replied, “I’ll cross my fingers.” She smiled and he leaned in to kiss her.

She kissed back for a moment and swiftly broke off. She smiled and took a few steps back, “Nice meeting you,” and with that she was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
quite the smooth one, eh?
connection: kiss on the head + first kiss
but you probably knew that
sorry it's super long. I enjoyed this too much.
Anywho, please please please comment, subscribe... something!
We have great things planned for this!
<3 Brittany