Status: A Story Between - Brittany&Patsy (watchout!itsbrittany & Deceiver of Fools). In the process.

Hey, Ho, Why Can't We Go?

o13. Librus Tarrant Black

"There we go. See? Are you feeling better?" I looked down at the red-headed musician, and she shrugged.

"Define better," she said, and I stood, pulling her up with me.

"Come on, girlfriend, let me show you something," I said with a smile, earning an odd look from Gavin. "Just trying to relieve the tension is all," I defended, and squeezed Ayria's shoulders. "Come with me." I led her to the back wall.

"You know, funny as it is, going into the corner really isn't helping," Ayria said, which took me completely off guard. Not five minutes before she was crying in helplessness - now it seemed like she'd just given up. There wasn't a hope in the world, and crying was a waste of energy.

"Come on, give me a shot," I said, and put her back against the wall. I took her hands into my own, and faced her. "Walk with me. Slowly now - let's count the steps across the room. Ready?"

Ayria looked ashamed, as if being treated like a child were completely unfitting. Ayria was always like this; she was the type of person who'd always taken control of her life, and never once wanted to be called or treated like a baby.

"It's okay. We're doing it for me. I'm curious." I fibbed, although it didn't take a rocket scientist to see through the lie.

I guess it was just some of those empty words that people liked to hear, to maybe give them some sort of consolation, something to think other than their own weakness.

And, slowly, Ayria walked with me, and we counted. "Twelve, thirteen, fourteen," we continued, until my back hit the other wall. "Twenty-two. See, it's pretty big, isn't it?"

Ayria paused to look around, and shrugged, wiping her eyes. "Sure. I'm okay, Librus, I just . . . I need to breathe." I looked down. Ayria was always the energy of the group, and to see her so helpless brought me down a lot. I've never seen her like this, I've never seen her when she's not . . . when she's not a ball of energy.

"All right, love," I said, quietly, and kissed her forehead. "I'll be here if you need me."

And just as I moved to sit on one of the chairs next to the two-person couch, the door slammed open, and our dearest manager, Frank, was tossed into the room next to us.

"Jesus!" I said, as the dark haired wanker was thrown practically at my feet.

"Bleedin' 'ell! Just a pack of bloody brutes!" he shouted, and I moved my shoe from under Frank's shoulder.

"I couldn't agree more, but you're certainly bloody late, aren't you?" I snarled, helping him off the ground. I couldn't stand Frank - I never could. There was hardly a day he was sober, or an hour he wasn't high; it drove me completely mad.

"What are you getting at?" Frank asked, leaning back to stretch and crack his back. "I was hiding, to see if I could get out and tell the authorities what they were up against."

"Well, you didn't do a very good job," I scoffed, and sat at my original destination, Ayria flanking onto the other chair.

"Any room for a fifth wheel?" Frank asked, and Ayria shook her head.

"Only four seats here. Sorry."

Frank looked to Gavin for help, and I shook my head. "Sorry, mate - this room was really built to fit only the people of the band. Four is about the average number."

Frank cursed, and I looked to Gavin. "Is he sober?" I mouthed, pointing my thumb in Frank's direction. His back was turned, and he looked as though he could really use a drink.

Gavin shrugged, and I rolled my eyes.

Nothing ever changed with Frank.

February 2nd, 2004
Librus leaned back on his arms, stretching his in the grass, gazing down at the two sleeping figures in front of him. Ayria had a book covering her face, and her hands rested idly on her stomach. Veanna laid on the other side of her, the tops of their heads nearly touching. He smiled towards the two of them, practically sisters in every way.

"How do you do it?" Gavin asked, bringing Librus out of his thoughts. He looked up to the drummer of the band, raising his eyebrow.


"Just . . ." Gavin paused, seeming almost embarrassed. "I mean, look at you and Ayria. It's like you don't even try, and she's just . . . head over heels for you," he said, gazing down at the two girls. "But whenever I've tried my best, jack shit happens. How the bloody hell do you do it?"

Librus cocked his head, and looked down at the red-head he was so fond of. "I'm going to be completely honest with you, Gavin," he said with slight amusement in his voice, and turned his head to his friend. "When I think about what my next date with Ayria should be, I don't think about how I'm going to end up sleeping with her. In fact, I'm really quite content where we are now. When I really like a girl . . . I do what I think is best for her. Not for myself. I guess you could say I'm a romantic, because Ayria certainly isn't. One of you has to be - and sometimes it's more special to the girl if you put your best foot forward." Librus sighed. "I don't really know what to tell you . . . I'm not really one with advice in this section. Just . . . treat her like a Greek Goddess."

Gavin nodded, pushing his blonde hair past his bright blue eyes.

"Is . . . there a specific girl you had in mind?" he asked, and Gavin looked up quickly.

"Huh? Oh. No, not at the moment," he said, looking away from Librus's eyes. He looked down towards Veanna with a small smile. "Just curious."

"Well . . ." Librus smiled, inspecting his friend's face. "I'm here for you, mate. You make the call."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey Guys!
Guess who's had absolutely no time to do anything at night but homework and studying?

I know, I know. It's no excuse. But I've gotten the chance to get this baby up. Sorry it's not my best . . . I didn't really know where to go with the Librus and Gavin section, because you can only talk so much. And, let's face it, a lot of guys don't have many heart-to-heart conversations.

So. Frank.
Dick or no?
Well, either way, this is what he looks like:
That guy is Callum Blue. He played in "Dead Like Me", and you know how much you love him. :3

Just to let you guys know, while I posted this chapter, I was drinking an amazing "tru blood" drink. You should try it. ;]
Love, from,