Status: A Story Between - Brittany&Patsy (watchout!itsbrittany & Deceiver of Fools). In the process.

Hey, Ho, Why Can't We Go?

oo2. Veanna Jane Noel


“Hmm…” I mumbled as I looked in the mirror. I glanced over at Ayria, stunning as usual. She was apparently debating on whether or not to wear a jacket and I assume she ended up with not.

I looked back over to the mirror. I stood there wearing yellow skinny jeans, an old ripped up T-shirt I found a few days ago, and buckle-covered boots that went up to my knee.

I just sighed, “Bollocks.” I messed with my hair a bit and walked over to Ayria and sat down on a black couch. I thought the room was quite nice. I mean we’ve been in better, but then again, we’ve been in worse. I looked over at the boys. Gavin was sitting down with his drum sticks, imagining his thighs as the drums as he practiced a song. Librus was looking at a mirror, fixing his hair. I looked back to Ayria. She looked herself over and mumbled to herself, “Well, you're so very creative, now, aren't you Ayria? Black and white. Honestly - you need to start getting some color in there.”

I just sat there and laughed to myself. She looked beautiful but she could never see it.

"I really hope you guys are ready. Tonight is a big night. Our New York debut!" She said, talking to us this time.

I smiled and nodded. I never really talked much before a show. It wasn’t nerves.

I was just focused. And that’s key. Right?
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yeah i feel like this is short too, but you know, we have to introduce them a little first :)
anyways, enjoy!
by the way: person in the pic= she's amazing