Status: A Story Between - Brittany&Patsy (watchout!itsbrittany & Deceiver of Fools). In the process.

Hey, Ho, Why Can't We Go?

oo3. Librus Tarrant Black


I can't believe it. Does Ayria really think she looks terrible? She looks beautiful! What was with girls and thinking that they looked bad, when in reality they looked gorgeous? Most of the time, anyways. With a smirk, I stood up and walked beside the copper-red haired girl, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Ayria Riddle, you look great. You don't want me to break the mirror to avoid this kind of nonsense, do you?" I winked, and walked away from where she stood.

"Oh, shut it, Librus! I thought you'd be used to this by now!" Ayria said angrily, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Not blood likely," I muttered, and slumped back into the black couch next to Veanna.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ayria asked stubbornly, and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, nothing. Just make sure you're ready for the show," I laughed, shaking my head in the slightest. "In the mean time - which song are we opening up on?" I asked. Being the lead singer and lead guitarist could be a pain - the songs got so confusing sometimes! Not that the other's don't have a hard job - I don't know what they're job is like. I just know mine can be very, very frustrating. When I got no answer, and snapped my finger's in front of Ayria's face.

"Oi, Red!" I said loudly. "Snap out of it! Tell me what song we're opening up on!" I demanded, and Ayria just shrugged her shoulders. "Thanks, mate," I muttered, and looked to the others. "Guys?"

"I was thinking Wasted," Veanna offered, and I shrugged.

"That's always a good opener. Brilliant," I smiled, tapping the toe of my boots against the white carpet. "This is going to be the best bloody show we've done."
♠ ♠ ♠
Short once again. xP
But, as Brittany said, this is just introducing the characters.
I hope you're enjoying it nonetheless!
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