Status: A Story Between - Brittany&Patsy (watchout!itsbrittany & Deceiver of Fools). In the process.

Hey, Ho, Why Can't We Go?

oo4. Gavin Don Hendrix


Unlike everyone else, I don’t look in the mirror before a show. I just throw something on and add some hair spray to my hair, ruffle it up a bit, and then I’m good to go.

I sat down in a chair by Librus’s vanity and grabbed my sticks. I started playing the beat to Wasted on my legs to get into the zone. I could hear the crowd eagerly waiting just through the doors that lead to the stage. I’m not usually a nervous type, really, but tonight was different. Maybe because we were in New York City. That’s pretty big, I’m assuming.

I looked over at Ayria. I guess you could call her the leader of the band. She was the most outgoing and everyone loved her, and gorgeous, if I might add. But I never really saw her in a romantic way. Besides, she already had Librus. I looked to him. He was fixing his jacket and then he turned to talk to Ayria. As he walked away, I saw Veanna across the room. Many people could have been turned off by the piercings or brightly colored hair, but I loved it. She was beautiful, in my eyes. She knows how I feel about her, but she doesn’t think we should be together. She said she’s looking out for the band, but I think she’s just making excuses.

She saw me looking at her and smiled. I stopped playing and smiled back. We locked eyes for a bit, until Librus said, “Guys?”

We both looked at him confused. He looked at us expectantly with an eye brow slightly raised.

She was looking at him as she said, “I was thinking-” then she turned to me and smiled, “-Wasted.”

I smiled back and nodded.

“That’s a good opener. Brilliant.” Librus said enthusiastically. “This is going to be one of the best bloody shows we’ve done.”

I laughed and replied in agreement, “Fuck yea’, I’ll drink to that one,” I took a swig of the beer sitting next to me. It was about empty. I didn’t remember drinking that much, but then again, when do I?

“God, Gavin, must you drink all the time?” Ayria asked disapprovingly.

I thought about it for a bit and answered, “Yup.” And took another swallow.

Ayria just rolled her eyes. Just then a man came in, “You’re on in a couple minutes. Are you all ready to go?”

“Yeah, mate.” Librus smiled to him. “Lets do this.” He laughed.

Librus, Ayria, and Veanna grabbed their guitars and bass and started walking out the door. I finished off the bottle and headed out the door with my sticks.

“Bloody hell,” I remarked as I heard the screaming fans, “I’m going to need another beer.”
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i'm excited!
should Veanna and Gavin get together? I'm still debating.
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and you should subscribe too
this story will be AMAZING *sing-song voice*
