Status: A Story Between - Brittany&Patsy (watchout!itsbrittany & Deceiver of Fools). In the process.

Hey, Ho, Why Can't We Go?

oo5. Ayria Artemis Riddle.


I cheered excitedly as we were told it was time to go on stage, and, after picking up my new, bright-red guitar, ran out of the door and onto the stage. "Bloody hell," I said in surprise, slowing my run and gazing at the audience. We'd never had a show this big before. We were famous - beyond famous - but this was huge. A wide smile spread across my red lips, and I walked up to my side of the stage, flanking Librus's left side, with Veanna on the right, and Gavin just a few feet behind us.

"And hello, New York!" Librus said loudly into the microphone, emphasizing the 'o' in Hello. "I have to say - after spending the day at the beach today, I'm jealous - it's bloody freezing back in London," he laughed, and the crowd cheered louder.

I don't know what I was supposed to say in New York City. I was so used to just coming up with things off the top of my head at concerts - but with how big this concert was, it escaped me. Good god.

"I'm impressed all you came out tonight!" I said with a laugh, and glanced at the other band members. "Me and my mates here weren't expecting an audience this big," I said honestly, offering the crowd a smile. Cameras were flashing profusely, and I couldn't help but laughing and shaking my head. "Enthusiastic?" I asked, and the cheering grew even louder.

I looked over my shoulder to Gavin and nodded my head, indicating for him to start the main beat in a slow, rhythmic repetition. I started simple strumming of a few different chords on my guitar, and tapped my foot in beat. "Let's give it a go, then," I said happily, and looked at Librus with a smile. I nodded, as if to ask him if he was ready, and he gave a reassuring nod back.

"Alright!" Librus said, and added in his own lead guitar, moving his fingers across the neck in a quick manner that even I had troubles comprehending.

"Your eyes,
stay wide spread.

Your lips,
stained deep red.

Your words,
left unsaid.

Your time
was wasted."

At this, Librus' singing stopped, and the rest of the musician's began to play quietly as he let his hands fly across his guitar, making me smile in amazement. 'He changes it up every time.'

"For years
you drew me in.
You had your own
personal brand of sin.

But now,
When you’re finally loved,
you’re the only one
you’re thinking of.

Baby wont you look at me,
Turn around, knock me out
With a,"
his voice grew quiet, intense. "one. two. three."

After a moment's pause, his voice picked up once again.

"You left me here
“baby, drop dead!”
There goes another year
All of the memories
In my head.
All forgotten

Read my lips, babe,
figure it out.
Remember my heart
That you cut out?
When you came around,
You picked it up,
Then threw it around .

Baby wont you look at me,
Turn around, knock me out
With a,"
once again his voice grew eerie, quiet. "one. Two. Three.

You left me here
“baby, drop dead!”
There goes another year
All of the memories
In my head.
All forgotten

The song came to an end, with a final stroke of a chord from each musician in unison, and a smile spread across my face. "Yes!" I laughed happily, clapping my hands together. It was bloody brilliant, and I had to admit - it was our best performance of that song we've ever done.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes! First song!
This is an original song, written by Brittany, and copyrighted by such - copyrights will be enforced by me. Meaning, if you steal this, I will personally hunt you down, gouge out your eyes, and replace them with gumballs.
Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Comment! Subscribe! (:
-sweetQueenie Red