Status: A Story Between - Brittany&Patsy (watchout!itsbrittany & Deceiver of Fools). In the process.

Hey, Ho, Why Can't We Go?

oo6. Veanna Jane Noel


After the guy came in, we all got up and grabbed our instruments. I reached over and grabbed my black bass with stickers all over it. It’s kind of old, but it’s my baby. We walked through the door and onto the stage. I laughed as Ayria ran up and stopped on the stage. I had no problem with stage fright what-so-ever. I smiled and waved at the audience. We all got in our positions. The crowd was huge, and they were cheering for us!

“And hello, New York!” Librus yelled to the crowd. Of course, they went mad. Strange how Americans go wild over our accents.

I turned around as Ayria and Librus were talking to the crowd, and grabbed my chord off the ground and plugged it into my bass.

“Hey,” Gavin said, turning the mic away from him as I was quickly tuning my bass.
I smiled back, “Hey.”

He was about to say something else but I turned around, facing the crowd.

Ayria continued talking, “Me and my mates weren’t expecting an audience this big.”

I gave a brief laugh and mumbled, oblivious to the mic, “You got that bloody fuckin’ right.” I grabbed a pick off the stand.

I suddenly heard Gavin starting up and I looked back at him. He always looked so focused when he was playing. It was kind of cute. Wait, snap out of it! Ayria was already playing. Shit! I jumped in and hoped no one would notice. Librus started to sing and play too. I liked this song.
Librus was an amazing singer, I had to admit. But then during the chorus, I jumped in at the necessary parts.

We all finished abruptly, like it’s supposed to be done, and the crowd cheered and applauded.

“Thank you. Thank you,” Librus said, winking to the crowd.

I walked over to Ayria. “Which one are we doing next?” I asked.

She put her hand over the mic, “Oh! Um… Pray for Me.”

I nodded, “Sounds good.” I walked by Librus, returning back to my spot, and tapped him on the shoulder, interrupting him from talking to the audience. He leaned back, offering his ear to me. “Pray for Me.” I whispered.

“Okay.” He replied and then continued. I walked over to Gavin to tell him the song.
“Hey babe, what’s up?” he said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and said, “I’m not your babe. And we’re doing Pray for Me.”

“Not yet, and okay.” He laughed.

I stuck my tongue out and returned to my spot.

“Well anyways,” Librus continued, “we’re going to move onto our next song Pray for Me.” A bunch of fans cheered. It wasn’t our most popular song, but we liked to play it anyways. There was barely any bass, but I helped write it so it wasn’t too bad.

He started out with some light picking as Ayria strummed her chords lightly. And then he began to sing.

“I’m left here in the shadows,
struck down and barely breathing.
I look up through the window
for the image of her with me.

I feel myself get stronger.
I can think a bit more clearly.
It’s then I finally see her,
and I plead, “Won’t you pray for me?”

Pray for me… pray for me.” He repeated.

“I can see him in the shadows,
He’s lying down there broken.
I’m looking in through the window
and he sees me as if awoken.

He gets up to follow.
He’s breathing heavily,
and asks me the question,
“Won’t you please pray for me?”

Pray for me.” I repeated like he did. And after a couple more minutes, we finished the song.
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm sooooooooooo sorry i didn't upload sooner.
i'm afraid i can only really write on the weekends :(
it also takes me a while to write songs (that actually make sense xD), too.
and i know this song was so short, but i didn't really know how to continue it at the time.
but anyways, comment&subscribe please?