Status: For a contest(:

Until Next Summer



I sat on the beach, the waves hitting my feet as they drifted back and fourth. The light morning breeze blowing my blonde hair towards my face. I looked out onto the glistening sea thinking about how bad I didn’t want to leave this place. The Summer had been great, to be honest it was the best summer that had ever happened to me.

June 5th

The steady beat of the party music bumped as I walked along the beach the first night I had arrived. My grandmother had told me there was a party thrown June fifth to celebrate summer starting, she had talked me into going even though I didn’t know anyone. Girls were running around in bikinis and short skirts, I glanced down and my jean shorts and sweatshirt and folded my arms across my chest.

I sat down on the sand. I stared out at the ocean, it was always something I enjoyed doing. I tucked my blonde hair behind my ears, and pushed my self up walking to the edge, where the water and sand first meet.

“Hello.” A voice said startling me. I looked over to see a boy. A boy with dark hair and bright eyes. A boy that was shirtless with a glistening chest in the moonlight. My cheeks burned as I gave him the smallest of smiles.

“Are you new here? I never seen you around.” He said cocking his head slightly and smiling.

“Yes, I’m new here. I’m here for the summer with my grandmother.”

“Oh, so your Ms. Bakers granddaughter, I heard a lot about you. Word spread fast around here.”

His eyes were the same color as they sky on a bright sunny day and his smile was a smile that could make gray clouds disappear. “So is the party this crazy every year?”

He glanced around running his hand threw his dark roots. “Yeah, pretty much.” He laughed.

“Well, I think I should get going. I told my grandmother I wouldn’t be out to late.” I smiled and started walking away.

“Wait!” He yelled after me. “I didn’t get your name.”

“Gia.” I grinned.

“Blake.” He smiled.

The rest of that night his is name ringed in my head. I couldn’t get his face out of my mind. His bright blue eyes and that perfect smile was like a portrait painted to my mind. I went to sleep that night thinking, Blake I just might have a crush on you.

June 7th.

I walked towards town where little shops were all lined up, my yellow sun dress swaying in the wind. My blonde hair blowing slightly. I walked into the little store on the corner. I pushed the door open the cool air conditioning cooling my skin. I grabbed a peanut butter cup and a bottle of water.

I walked to the register placing my stuff on the counter. “Gia.” I recognized the voice from last night. I turned my head around slowly to see Blake standing beside me, hands stuffed in his short pockets and his naturally messy hair falling into his eyes.

“Hey, Blake.”

“Are you doing anything right now?”

“Nothing at all.”

“Come with me.” He smiled.

I paid for my things and followed him out the door. We walked in silence. I didn’t question to where he was taking me. For some reason, I felt safe next to him. We walked towards a circular ring filled with water. I placed my chin on the safety bar and peered down into it.

“What’s in there?” I asked looking at him curiously. He grinned at me then whistled loudly. The next thing I know two dolphins were swimming around at the top of ring playing around. They were flapping their flippers around trying to splash us. I giggled as they played.

“They are so cute.” I squealed. “How did you find these?”

“I volunteer here sometimes with my mom. So we get free access to come here anytime. Wanna’ go pet them?”


We walked down the spiral stair case. He showed me they wouldn’t bite, I place my hand on its cool skin. We stayed and watched the dolphins for almost an hour. When we were done with that, we went and took a walk on the beach. We talked about our families, school, sports, and places we have went.

We stayed on the beach till the sun went down. “So, we can this our official first date.” He smiled that smile at me.

“Yes, we can call this our official first date.” I laughed.

He walked me to my grandmothers house promising me he would be here by noon tomorrow so we could do something else. I climbed into my bed replaying the day. It was official, I definitely have a crush on Blake.

Light tears rolled down my face as I thought about tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day that I would be leaving, going back to live with my mom and dad. Tomorrow I would be away from Blake. I replayed the memories of our summer together in my head over and over.

Light footsteps approached me from behind. I tilted my head to the side, Blake put of his hand, I grabbed onto it and pulled myself up. Just like that first night we met, we stood by the waters edge. I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his chest.

“I don’t want to go.” I whispered the tears still flowing down my cheeks.

“I don’t want you to go either, but I will wait for you. I promise.” He said kissing my forehead.

We stood there our arms wrapped around each other. He said he would wait for me and I absolutely believed him. We walked down the beach holding hands, embracing our time we had left, until next summer.
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Ha, hope you liked itt(: