A Bad Romance


Dear Diary,

I don’t know what else to do. He’s not the same person he was before. I mean, all I feel is hostility lately and it frightens me. I don’t know what he’s capable of, so I have to pretend like I’m not afraid. Show him that I am strong too. I just want to stay in here. In my room. I wish he would just leave me alone. I remember the first time I told a guy to leave me alone. Well, it wasn’t so much a guy as it was a 7-year-old boy. We were in second grade and I actually really liked him. I mean we would play, and then he would get these weird moments where he would pull my hair or break my toys and call me names. Still I wanted to be his friend despite of all the horrible things he did. My mom told me it was just a way of him showing affection. Last time I checked pulling a girls hair was not very polite, but that’s just me. Anyway, I remember the day I got fed up with him. We were sitting in English class when he drew all over my paper with a pen. That was the point where I snapped. I got up and told him to just leave me the heck alone. Sure enough he did. That outburst showed him that I was not messing around. Maybe that’s what I need to do now. Just yell. But then I might anger him. I mean, I’m sure he won’t react like the 7-year-old did. He’s a man. He’s bigger and stronger and smarter. I just don’t know what kind of tactic is ideal in this situation. I mean, after all, he’s crazy.