Stand Tall, They'll Tear You Down.

Chapter Two

Jimmy's POV

The bell rang and I watched Syn and Zacky say goodbye to each other. "They're so cute together..." I could tell Syn liked him, and I was pretty sure Zacky liked him back. I smiled at them and Syn noticed, turning away immediately. I chuckled to myself and left the cafeteria to go to my next class. I was definately going to have to get Matt and Johnny to help move things along.

Syn's POV

After saying bye to Zacky, I went to my locker to get my stuff for Biology, which was my next class. I was the first in their because my locker is pretty close to the door. I took a seat in the very back, as far away from the teacher as possible. I had swapped schedules with all my friends this morning and no one had this class with me. Then I realized I hadn't seen Zacky's schedule. A couple more people wallked through the door and I looked to see if he was one of them. Nope... After a few minutes of glancing at the door everytime someone came in, the bell rang, and I sunk down in my seat.

The teacher introduced himself, and just like every other first day of school, he started going over rules and whatnot. There was a knock at the door. I looked over as the teacher opened it. "Sorry I'm late..." It was Zacky. The teacher excused him since it was the first day of school. I smiled at him from the back of the room and gestured toward the empty seat next to me. He returned the smile and took the seat.

Jimmy's POV

Fortunately, my next class was with the two of them, so it was the perfect opportunity. "So, anyone else notice the flirting going on at lunch?" Matt started off the conversation. "We're definately gonna have to get them together." I said. "As if they need our help! Did you see the way Syn was smiling at Zacky? And how many times Zacky blushed?" Johnny replied. I laughed and said "Yeah, but speeding things along never hurt. So anyone got any ideas?"
"Yeah, why don't we have a party this weekend?" Matt spoke up. "My parents are going out of town this weekend. It's perfect!" I replied a little too loud, getting a stern look from the teacher. The bell rang and we quieted down, all looking rather pleased with our plan.

* * *

Syn's POV

School was finally over, and I went to meet my friends at our usual spot. I saw that Zacky had already found them, and I came up next to him. "Hey Syn!" He said, smiling at me. He had the cutest smile. I ruffled his hair and said hi. "So, Zacky, you wanna hang out with us after school?" Matt asked. He and Johnny shared a "look" and Jimmy smirked at me. Something was up. "Yeah, but I gotta go find my mom and let her know." "No problem." Matt said, and we followed him outside to his moms car. He ran over and asked her, and then came back. "She's cool with it. So where are we going?"
"Just around town, hangin' out." I answered.

We walked around town, and showed Zacky around a bit. Then we came to our favourite coffee shop and went inside. Johnny, Matt, and Jimmy all went to order their drinks, but me and Zacky lagged behind a little, caught up in conversation. "So, what are you gonna get?" I asked. "Oh, uhh...I don't have any money." "Perfect", I thought, smiling to myself. "Don't worry, I'll get you something."
"Oh, that's okay-" I cut him off. "No really, I insist." I smiled, as did he. "Alright then. I'll have..." He looked at the menu. "Some spiced Chai tea."
"Alrighty then." We all got our drinks and sat in the back, which was empty except for us. It was a nice coffee shop, comfortable sofas and chairs, nice tables. It was just awesome, the nicest one in town, in fact. Everyone took all the chairs, leaving a loveseat open. They all smiled at me, and I finally figured out what they were doing. I shook my head and sat down next to Zacky on the grey loveseat. Jimmy spoke up. "So, my parents are going out of town this weekend and I'm thinking about having a party. Sound cool?" He asked, looking at me. "Yeah, awesome." I answered and he turned to Zacky. "So you think you can make it, Zacky?" He asked. "Yeah, probably."
"Awesome." Jimmy leaned back in his chair with a pleased look. " all of you guys have nicknames, or just Syn?" Zacky asked, sipping his tea. Jimmy raised his hand. "The Reverand Tholomew Plague. The Rev for short." Matt followed with "M. Shadows." and lastly, Johnny asnwered. "Johnny Christ." Then I spoke. "You know Zacky, you need a nickname of your own." "Really?" he asked shyly. "Yeah! What do you wanna be called?" He put on a thinking face, which was kind of adorable. "How about...Zacky Vengeance? After all the shit people put me through...It's only fitting." I smiled. "Sounds great. Welcome to the group, Zacky Vengeance."

After a few minutes of conversation, and Jimmy constantly smirking at me, it was just me and Zacky. I wasn't sure if they planned that one or not, but either way I was glad I had some time alone with him. "So Syn, why are you the only one who goes by your nickname?" Zacky asked. I felt a tinge of anger in my chest. "I was named after my dad...I hate my dad." Zacky looked down at his feet. "Oh...I'm sorry." I immediately regretted sounding so angry. "No, it' s okay...he's just...a homophobe..." Zacky's eyes lit up and he looked at me again. "So is mine...That's why my parents got divorced." He looked out the window. "Oh, it's getting dark. I should probably head home." he said. "Oh...okay. You want me to walk with you?" I asked. "Yeah, that'd be nice." he replied, smiling. God, he's so adorable when he smiles.

* * *

Zacky's POV

Syn walked me home, and we said goobye, and I went inside. "Mooom, I'm home." I called. "Hey Zacky! I see you made some friends already."

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Are they nice?"


"Who was that boy that walked home with you?"

I blushed. "Oh uh...That was Brian."

"Oooh. I see." She smiled, obviously noticing the blush. I smiled and turned around to go up to my room. I layed on my bed and let out a long sigh. "Today definately wasn't as bad as I thought it would be..."