Stand Tall, They'll Tear You Down.

Chapter Six

Zacky's POV

I didn't stop smiling the whole night. It wasn't the alcohol or the music. It wasn't hanging out with the guys. It was Syn. I had finally kissed him. The moment I had dreamt about since the day he stood up for me in the cafeteria. And it was perfect. I got to play a song with the man I'm falling for. And we kissed. The perfect ending to a song that means so much to me.

Jimmy pulled me out of my thoughts when he put in a hip hop CD and turned the bass up obnoxiously high. Man, did I feel bad for the neighbors. He started dancing, and Syn joined in, grinding against him. “I thought Jimmy was straight...” Either way, I wasn't about to sit around and let him get all the action, so I got up and wiggled my way in the middle. Syn turned around to face me, putting his hands on my hips. A soft moan escaped my lips when our crotches made contact. I looked at Syn to see him smirking at me. I almost let out another moan. ”God, he's so fucking sexy...” I thought to myself. I completely forgot Jimmy was behind me until he stopped and went to watch with the other guys. It was just me, Syn, and some alcohol driven dirty dancing with some guys cheering us on in the background.

The song stopped, just in time before we got too carried away. Sweating and panting, we collapsed on the couch. “Damn, why didn't you guys just have sex right there?” Matt laughed. Syn smirked at me, taking a sip of his beer. “Well. That was certainly fun. But I think it's about time we all sat back and relaxed.” Jimmy announced. We all nodded and got comfortable on the couches while Jimmy put in a movie. Matt, Johnny and Jimmy all squished together one one couch, and Syn and I had one to ourselves. Syn put his arms around me and pulled me close. I smiled at him, and leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips.

Not too long into the movie, Johnny was passed out on the couch, Jimmy had gone to his room to sleep, and Matt was sleeping on the floor. “We're the only ones awake.” Syn half yawned to me.

“Mm...Yeah.” I replied tiredly, snuggling into his chest. I couldn't see him, but I knew he was smiling as he kissed my hair and pulled me closer, laying his chin on the top of my head. Before I knew it, I was sound asleep in his arms.

Syn's POV

I woke up the next morning and looked around, noticing that everyone was still sleeping. I also noticed Jimmy was gone. ”Must have gone to his room...” I thought. I looked at Zacky, his face peaceful and still. He was so beautiful when he was sleeping. But I couldn't see his amazing smile or his beautiful eyes when he was sleeping... I remembered the first time he came to my house, when he had told me about how terrible his dad was after he came out. How I held him... How perfect he felt in my arms. He still felt perfect...

”He is perfect...”

Zacky stirred and made a small noise, pulling me from my thoughts. His eyes fluttered open slowly and met mine.

“Good morning.” I said, smiling. He smiled back at me, yawning and stretching a little. He looked just like...a cute little kitten. “G'morning, Syn.” He pulled himself up, kissing me on the cheek.

“What, that's all I get, a kiss on the cheek?” I laughed.

He giggled, and gave me a real kiss, much deeper and more passionate than all of our previous kisses. One kiss led to another, and we sat on the couch, holding each other and kissing gently for...I don't know how long. I didn't really care. It was just perfect... Everything about him is so perfect. They way I feel when I'm with him... It's just... Indescribable.

I looked over at the clock, it was still early. I figured it would be a while before anyone else would wake up, especially Johnny.

“Hey Zacky, you wanna come over to my house? I could make us some breakfast.”

He smiled his beautiful, infectious smile. “That sounds perfect.”

* * *

I set a plate of pancakes in front of Zacky, kissing his cheek and sitting next to him with my own plate. We ate in silent bliss, glancing at each other with smiles every so often. I could do this every day. Wake up with Zacky...make him breakfast... See his beautiful face...

I started chewing slower, a sudden realization coming upon me.

I think I was really falling in love with Zacky.

I had never been in love with anyone... Crushes and lusty feelings, maybe... But never love.

“Syn?” Zacky waved a hand in front of my face. “You okay over there?”

“Oh, yeah.” I smiled. “Just thinking.”

“About what?”

“You, of course.”

He smiled and blushed. As many times as he had done that, it was still adorable.

When we were done eating, I took his plate into the kitchen along with mine and rinsed them off. Zacky came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I turned around to face him, kissing his perfect lips. Every time our lips touched, it was the most amazing feeling in the world. It felt like there were fireworks going off everywhere... Or something... It was impossible to describe. But I had never felt anything like it. I knew I was in love with Zacky. His lips fit perfectly against mine, and when I held him, I felt like I was exactly where I belonged. Our lips parted, but I still held him close.

“Zacky... I love you.”