Internal Watch

Chapter 1

<><><><> Alex’s POV <><><><>

I looked at the picture as I got dressed, and ready for work. I missed her. Man did I miss her. I picked of the framed picture and walked into the kitchen to get my usual breakfast that consisted of two slices of rye toast, smothered in peanut butter and fluff. I ate in silence as I stared at the picture. Once I finished, I put my dirty dish into the sink, kissed the picture of my dead, pregnant wife, and walked out the door.

I got into my car, and drove over to the local diner. I walked inside, to see the tables full, so I grabbed a seat on the diving board, and waited for my work to begin. Once everyone was gone, I climbed down, and helped clear off the tables and place the tables and chairs in their room, and took the platform off from over the pool. Yes, I said pool, and yes it is safe. We had it approved by the government. I took my station in the life guard chair, and waited for the people to start coming in.

<><><><> Bellen’s POV <><><><>

I slipped my Capri sweats on over my bathing suit and a light, loose-fitting cotton tee. I grabbed my pool bag, and grabbed my keys and walked outside, got into my car, and left.

I walked into the changing room, and slipped of my Capri sweats and cotton tee to reveal my purple one piece. I wasn’t small like others, and I didn’t have a body to flaunt around, but that didn’t stop me from doing the one thing I loved, which was swimming. I slipped my crocs on and walked out to the pool area. I went to dive in, only to realize that I still had my socks o. I blushed and took them off, hearing a few snickers as I did so.

I turned around and the next thing I knew, there was a little boy with bleach blonde air running at me with a water gun in his hands. He looked o be about seven years old, and looked to be having a blast being chased around by a boy with dark brown hair that looked to be about eight or nine. I laughed to myself lightly and fumbled with the clasp of my watch.

“Move lady, move!” I heard and then I got shoved. I let out a scream as I lost my footing and hit my head off of the side of the pool. I mentally cursed the little blonde boy who pushed me in as course after course after of pain shot threw my head. Once in the water I flailed my arms and legs until it felt like I was paralyzed and I started to sink to the bottom.

<><><><> Alex’s POV <><><><>

“Move lady move!” I heard a boy yell and turned my head in the direction of the yell. I watched as he showed a lady no older than 22 into the pool. She let out a scream as she lost her footing and then hit her head off the side of the pool before she fell in. she started flailing her arms and legs around as I dove into the water. She was already at the bottom of the deep end by the time that I got to her, and there was blood seeping out of the back of her head, turning the water from clear to pure red within a matter of seconds. I pulled her up and out of the water, and started giving her CPR.

“Some one call 911!” I yelled while doing a round of chest compressions. I switched to mouth-to-mouth recessitation after a while and then back to chest compressions waiting for the paramedics. When they got there they immediately took over as I stumbled back. I looked over at the little boy who was pale as a ghost, and was holding the lady’s watch in his little hand.

“I didn’t mean to.” he said in a whisper, and I nodded ad took the watch from him. BMX was inscribed on the back, and the glass was cracked from the impact of being dropped on the hard concrete, tiled over floor. I looked over at the paramedics as they places a white sheet over her.

“Time of death 12:24 P.M.” he said and as soon as he said that, the watch I was holding in my hands, stopped.
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okay so this is based off of a dreamm i had two nights ago. i adde a few things because the ending of the dream was actually me in my aunt dining room throwing a paper airplane with an 87 year old women named rose....

anyway you should let me know wht you think. this will most likely be a very short story.

