

Vicky's eyes were glazed over, tears of anger flooding down her cheeks. Her whole body was seething, the veins on her arms and hands visibly sticking out. She was mad. Madder than she'd ever been in her whole entire life. She grabbed the can of gasoline she'd brought with her and slowly walked over to the woman cowering in front of her.

“You happy now Mother?” She spat bitterly between gritted teeth. “You see what you did to me?”

She crouched down in front of the terrified, shaking woman.

“You made me a monster.” Vicky muttered, kneeling down and glaring deep into the woman's eyes. The woman just whimpered and glanced away. Vicky smirked, raising to her feet, can of gasoline in hand. She glanced around the room they were in, surrounded by plastic kids toys and stuffed animals. One in particular caught her eye, a wooden rocking horse placed in the corner of the room.

“You used to bring me here as a kid. Used to leave me to play on that stupid rocking horse whilst you gallivanted off with strange men” She mused, before chuckling to herself. “That horse was great.”

She placed the can of gasoline on top of a small children's table and strolled over to the corner of the room, grabbed the small rocking horse and dragged it back over to where she was previously stood. She faced her mother once again, a devilish grin sliding across her lips. Grabbing the can of gasoline back off the table, she unscrewed the top and poured some of it on to the rocking horse.

She shoved her free hand into her Jean pocket and pulled out a box of matches. Pushing the box open, she took out one match and closed it again, before running the tip along the side of the matchbox, where it soon caught fire. Vicky glanced over at her Mother, still in the same place, a look of terror on her face as she stared incredulously at her daughter. Vicky stared at the burning match in her hand for a while, watching the lick of flame slowly descend down the matchstick towards her fingers before dropping it on the horse and cackling in laughter as it burst into flames.

She admired the flames as the wooden horse slowly burned to a crisp, occasionally glancing over to her Mother and grinning wider at her fear filled face.

Petulia Jameson, stared with wide eyes at her daughters menacing face. She wasn't quite sure how she had managed to get into this situation, in fact, the last thing she remembered was making a cup of warm milk for herself before heading up to bed. But now, here she was, arms tied tightly behind her back sat in the one place she hated the most. It brought back memories of all the times she messed up as a young mother, moments she would forever regret. She knew she hadn't been there for Vicky when she needed her most and she knew she'd always made it obvious that her younger brother, Timothy, was the favourite. It wasn't that Petulia didn't love her daughter, she did. But by the time she herself had got through her childish behavior and drink problems, she was aware that Vicky was a lost cause, and when she fell pregnant with her second child, she was determined to be the best mother to him she could, to make up for it.

She didn't know how long she had been sat there remembering all the things she'd done wrong, but Vicky was no longer stood near the rocking horse. Petulia looked around the room quickly, trying to figure out where her daughter had gone. When her eyes finally caught glimpse of her daughters short auburn hair, her eyes widened even more and her face turned a ghostly white as she watched one half of the shop ignite into glorious burning flames, Vicky now stood beside her mother.

“Beautiful isn't it.” She grinned before running over to the other side of the room, throwing the remains of the gasoline she had over everything she could until she reached the door, Vicky threw the can of gasoline towards her mother and pulled the matches out of her pocket again, striking one and staring at it again for a moment, like she had the previous two times. She took one last glimpse over to her mother, and smirked.

“Adios Amigo.” She grinned throwing the match over in the direction that she'd approached the door, before making a run for it as the store went up in flames.
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