Status: Every word reveals a secret, a new piece of this puzzle, and I'm expecting you to put it all together. You aren't meant to understand it, not now.

This Was Dixon


"What was that man talking about, Willow?" Rylee asked, looking up at me with a unintended mixture of fear and innocence.

"He wasn't talking about anything. He's just some crazy old man, like all of the other crazy old men. Don't pay him any attention." I should have paid him some attention, he was the only person who knew where I was from, he would call them and they would come for me. It was his fault, that I would have to leave soon. He would never know that it was his fault, but it was. The cycle will continue, because of that crazy old man.

"Alright," Rylee trailed off, "When do I get to go back to my mom?"

"Soon, Rylee." I'm such a liar, she was never going back. Most likely she would never see her mother's face again, but she would be left with the memory of mine. I would impress my image upon her in the most terrible way, and the cycle would continue. One day she would be just like me, she would live in Callum and she would walk on Dixon. And she too would be scarred.

"Okay." She smiled, she was so unsuspecting.