Sequel: Unholy Confessions

Blood Soaked Tears

When You're Living to Die

“Stella correct?” the voice on the other line said.
“This is she” I said only half listening to what the person was talking about. It wasn't until I heard the words band, tour and Avenged Sevenfold that I started to listen.
“The band wanted you guys to come because of your style and intensity that you play with” the woman explained.
“I'd have to talk it over with the rest of the band but I'm sure they will agree to it. I hope to see you and the band soon” I said in the most polite tone I could muster with the excitement running through my blood like adrenaline.

“Meeting Now” I said after the lady hung up. In about three seconds I had all five of the other members of my band standing in front of me. As I started to explain to them about the tour we were invited to, they all seemed to stare at Dustin, the mind reader, more than me. I knew why. I was waiting for him to turn it down and walk away like he has done to ever other one we have been offered.
“When does it start?” he asked looking at me. I smiled, and told them I had to call the lady back.

Let me explain a few things before I go any further. I and my friends are vampires. I am the oldest one out of all of the them. I know you're wondering why I emphasized friends. Really they're are my body guards, but I'll explain that later on. I suppose you are also wondering why we waited for Dustin's opinion correct? Well Dustin, as I mentioned earlier, is a mind reader. He knows when going on tour with another band is worth it. We've gone on a few just to make it seem like we really wanted to do what we are doing. The six of us formed a band a couple of years ago. Our name is Death Toll Rising. I'm the oldest, then it's Alex, then it's Dustin, then Elsa, then Hiroto, then Kiana. All of us are vampires.

After I got off the phone with Avenged's tour manager we all started packing. I decided to do a little bit of research before we had to head off and started looking up the band.

Zacky and I were just hanging out when Jimmy jumped through the door with Matt and Brian behind him.
“Hey” I greeted them, as they all took their seats around Zacky and my living room.
“So that band that Zacky wanted to tour with agreed. It starts next week.”
“Sweet” Zacky said excitedly. He said that there could be an answer to my little problem by doing this tour. In other words he knew something I didn't.
“Dude one of the girls in the band, the lead guitarist I believe, has the same last name as you man” Brian pointed out to me as we were looking at the lists of the names. I nodded as I stared at her picture. Long blond hair, green eyes, smooth face, a lot of piercings and tattoos.
“That's weird” I said turning my gaze to the guy in the picture next to her. I couldn't get her image out of my head though.

The guys left after a few hours and I cornered Zacky in the kitchen.
“You knew she had the same last name as me didn't you?” I asked him, glaring at him the entire time, whilst holding the girl's picture up.
“I saw her in a picture as I was looking up new music and I couldn't help but to think she looked a lot like you. You were royalty Johnny, everyone knew your face. It's the same as your siblings. This girl looks exactly like the lovely Princess Stella.” He said looking between me and the picture.
“Thank you” I said as I embraced him in a friendly hug.
“The guys are getting suspicious. We might have to tell them about us soon. Especially if this girl is your sister. I hate lying to them too.” Zacky said as I let go. We were quiet for a few minutes.
“Then we'll tell them. Right now if you want” I said looking up at him. He smiled and nodded. We called the guys and told them to meet us at our apartment in twenty minutes.
Ten minutes later, all three of them are sitting in our living room as I take deep breathes to calm myself.
“So what's so important?” Brian asked as he started to grow impatient.
“Johnny and I aren't what you think we are” Zacky started. I could tell he was just as nervous as I was.
“Oh my god they're gay” Jimmy shouted with a smile on his face.
“Um no Jimmy we're not gay” I said taking a deep breathe.
“Then what?” Matt asked. We were both silent for a minute.
“We're vampires” We said at the same time.
♠ ♠ ♠
And so it begins

New story, had this crazy dream a hella long time ago and finally dcided to write it. When new characters come up I will post them on the characters page.