Sequel: Unholy Confessions

Blood Soaked Tears

Demons They Follow Me


I woke up practically on top of Brian. I looked up and he was still asleep. I looked around the hotel room, and once I found nothing out of the ordinary I calmed myself. It had been a few months since my encounter with William. I hadn't made up my mind on what I was going to do yet but I knew that I had to make it up fast.
I felt Brian run his fingers through my hair. I looked up to see him looking down at me. I smiled at him before leaning up and kissing him. He sat us up as he continued the kiss. I pulled back and smiled at him again, which he returned.
“W have to get ready, our buses leave soon.” I said getting up. He pulled me to him once more, kissed me, then allowed me to get up. I walked into the bathroom and started the water before Brian entered.
“Conserving water again Brian?” I asked him sarcastically. That was his excuse for us showering together.
“Of course” he said before he leaned down and kissed me. We stepped into the shower when it was warm enough for the two of us.
After our shower we dried off and got dressed. I think I actually surprised Brian when I pulled on a simple tank top and a pair of jean shorts. The look on his face was priceless when I pulled on high top converse.
“I think this is the first time I have ever seen you wear shoes that didn't have high heels on them. Is that my hoodie?” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I started to laugh but stopped abruptly.
A large group of vampires were causing havoc as another one stood back and watched them. Screams were heard from many places within the ally. A building was on fire and people were screaming for help. One of the vampires walked into the building and soon all cries were gone. In the distance sirens were heard and all of the vampires fled the scene.
“What'd you see babe?” Brian asked looking me in the eye.
“A large group of vampires, recently changed by the looks of it. They were destroying things in an ally and killing humans in the burning building next to them.” I said confused.
“And how does this affect us?” he asked.
“It could mean exposure” I said simply.
“What can we do to stop it?” Julliette's voice sounded from the doorway. I turned to see her and Jimmy standing in the doorway of our hotel room.
“I'm not sure I'd have to talk to papa.” I said smiling at her. She was sweet. Brian and I gathered our stuff and the four of us left.
“It's going to end up like last time isn't it?” she asked as we were making our way towards the lobby. I knew what she was talking about, but I was deeply surprised she remembered it, she was only four.
“I'm surprised you remember that” I stated as we got to the lobby where our group was. Brian and Jimmy went to the front desk to turn in the two keys.
“Remember what?” Dustin asked.
“Your the mind reader you tell me?” I said in a smart ass tone. He smirked at me before his eyes darted towards Julliette.
“You remember the last war they had?” Dustin asked surprised.
“Mama used to tell me about it all the time growing up” she replied.
“War?” Matt asked.
“We can tell you all about it on the bus.” Spencer said as she laid her head on his shoulder.
The group of us started walking to the buses. We weren't leaving for another fifteen minutes so I decided to get some more of my stuff from my bus and show Dustin my latest vision.
“Give it time dear sister. Everything will reveal itself eventually” Dustin said as he hugged me. He always referred to me as his sister. I thanked him and left.


As soon as everyone was on the bus and we were driving, Spencer started off our newest conversation with a worried glance at Stella.
“Since the vampiric Sewards are the royalty of the the vampire world in Russia, it is their job to protect and maintain their land, the entire country of Russia.” I noticed Stella looking at the floor, refusing to look at anyone's faces. “There was a rogue vampire who wanted one of the human we were friends with to be his next meal. We all threatened him, trying to protect the girl we had come to love as a sister. Her name was Liliana” Spencer stopped, tears threatening to come from her eyes. It was silent for a moment, everyone letting her pull herself together with Matt trying to calm her.
“Spencer and I were the closest to her. Her story was somewhat like mine, her brother disappeared, her mother was dead, and her father wanted her to marry fast after she turned 18. When that stupid rogue passed through we thought it was nothing. No one cared, it was a weekly thing for us. But he tried to attack her. Liliana didn't have a clue as to what was going on so none of us told her she was in danger. We were stupid and foolish. When he tried to attack her again, we killed him, but not before he had started her change” Stella continued. I could hear the pain in her voice as she told what she did. “He had a mate, she wanted revenge. She started changing people rapidly and after three months, she attacked us. We had to be careful on how to attack them, or else we would have all died. Every vampire we fought that day died.”
“We had made the mistake of leaving Julliette and Mary-Anne in the care of our newest vampire friend. She may have been a new born but she wasn't ready for three older vampires who were trained to fight. In an attempt to get to Julliette's blood and the little amount of blood in Mary-Anne's body they had to fight her. She held out until Boris, Vlad and I got back. She was distracted for a moment by the smell of human blood on us and the vampire she was fighting killed her in that moment. That sent the three of us into rage and we killed the three of them. Stella was hurt by it as were the rest of us. The aftermath was even worse. We had to cover all of our tracks, the disappearance of Liliana and the war that had happened. We had to get rid of the bodies before anyone found them and that took days to do before we could mourn the loss of our friend and celebrate the birth of the first half vampire in the Seward family” Spencer finished off in a baby tone as she reached over and started pinching Julliette's cheeks.
“Stop it” Julliette said whining. Stella and Spencer laughed at that.
“I thought you were full vampire Julliette” Matt said looking at her.
“Well mama was human when papa got her pregnant and then after I was born she was dying so papa changed her” Julliette said.
“It's weird even for us” Spencer said laughing. Julliette stuck her tongue out at Spencer.
“Be nice you too” Stella said laughing.
“Or what?” Spencer asked daringly.
“Ili ja pokazhu vashu otvetnuju chast' nad tam izobrazhenijami vas ot vashih ljudskih let.” (Or I will show your mate over there pictures of you from your human years.) Stella replied in Russian. I started laughing.
“You wouldn't” Spencer said laughing,
“I would and I could” Stella replied. Julliette started laughing with me.
“What are you too laughing at I have black mail for both of you.” Stella said when she noticed us laughing. Julliette stopped before laughing again.
“I specifically remember you telling me I was adorable as a baby” Julliette said between her laughs.
“She wasn't talking about baby pictures. Everything you have ever done is in her head and trust me they aren't all things you'd want people to see” Spencer said evilly.
“You're evil” Julliette said.
“It comes with the territory.” Stella replied.
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This chapter goes to my on commenter Unholy Harlot! Thank you hun!