Sequel: Unholy Confessions

Blood Soaked Tears

We're All Just Victims Of A Crime


We let Dimitri stay the night with us, but Papa had set up shifts to make sure he didn't pull anything. Only I knew who he was staring at last night and I was the only one who trusted him. I woke up the next morning with Brian's arms wrapped tightly around me. Shifting I realized that there were somethings that I could live with waking up to everyday for the rest of my immortal life; one being Brian, the other knowing that my family was always there for me and I for them. I was laying in Brian's arms listening to silence around my home when a noise alerted me to a possible intruder. I ceased all motion and waited for any more sounds. I heard soft footsteps walk past my room. I felt all of the vampires in the hall wake up, except for the babies. I inhaled softly and quietly. The scent I smelled frightened me. The footsteps stopped. I heard a door open, the door that lead to the twins' room. I sat up and gently removed Brian's arms from my waist. I stood up slowly and stalked slowly to the door. I opened it a bit and slipped through the small area. I noticed Johnny and Zacky had done the exact same. Spencer came out just as I did. The four of us made our way towards the open door leading to the twins. Johnny and Zacky looked in, looking for the intruder, before walking in. Spencer and I walked in after them to find the room completely empty. The twins were gone and the window was open. The bright Russian morning sun shone through the curtains. The four of us just stood there staring at the two empty cribs. Zacky and I recovered before anyone else. He ran out of the room and into the one that he shared with Johnny. I ran into my room and quickly got dressed. I left Brian a note saying I went with Zacky. Zacky and I walked out of the rooms at the same moment. I knew he knew exactly what I had planned and I knew exactly what he wanted to do. We looked at each other and started walking towards Dimitri's room.
“Why are we bringing Dimitri?” Zacky asked.
“He knows where their hideout is. Whether either of us wants to admit it or not, we need his help” I said. I opened his door and walked in.
“Wake up” I demanded, shoving his shoulder roughly.
“What's going on?” he asked groggily as he rolled over to look at me.
“The twins were taken. It was William. You are going to lead us to their base. I know who you were staring at last night. I can help you get her as long as you help us” I said as Zack tossed him some clothes.
“We leave in three minutes” Zack said coldly. I could tell he didn't trust Dimitri at all. The two of us walled out of his room and waited by the door. Johnny and Spencer walked up to us.
“We're going to track them down. Let them sleep in. I know that if we don't get back before nightfall, Melody, Mary-Anne and Julliette will worry non stop.” I explained. Dimitri walked out fully dressed after that and the three of us left.
“Where are we going?” I asked as we made our way out of the courtyard and off the mansion's property.
“They are using an abandoned warehouse in the old deserted shopping district located in downtown Moscow” Dimitri replied.
“All you had to say was downtown Moscow” I said as we started running that way.
The entire time we were running, I kept thinking of the worst case scenarios. What if Gwen and Toby were dead by the time we got there? What if Dimitri was leading us into a trap? What if we lost everyone? What if Brian decided he didn't want to talk to me after this? The thoughts kept racing. Before I knew it we had arrived that the warehouse that Dimitri was talking about. We made a quick plan before we entered the lion's den. The door creaked open with the little amount of pressure we added. William and Victoria were waiting for us.
“Welcome back Dimitri. This is such a nice present for us” Victoria said softly.
“You set us up you fucking bastard!” I screamed at the man next to me. Zack glared.


I had trouble sleeping in the mornings. Even with Zacky's arms around my waist securely I felt like something was going to go wrong. I decided to try and get some sleep so I snuggled more into Zack. I was definitely the bottom in this relationship but I liked it that way. As I was trying to get back to sleep, I heard footsteps walking down the hall. It wouldn't have bothered me if it weren't for the fact that the footsteps came from boots instead of bare feet.
I looked over at Zack who was also awake and staring at me. We both silently agreed to check it out and got up. We walked silently to the door and opened it enough to slip through. We walked slowly and silently towards the figure. We stopped when we saw him stop at a door and open it. He wasn't even trying to hide his presence. I heard two doors open and looked back to see Stella and Spencer come out of their respective rooms. The four of us crept up on the door. Once we got to the open door, Zack and I looked in. I was surprised when there was no one in the room at all. Zack and I walked into the room followed by Spencer and Stella a moment later. The four of us stood and stared at the two empty cribs. I felt horrible that I didn't do anything to stop it. It was like we were all in a trance, so when Zack and Stella rushed out of the room it snapped Spencer and I out of our trances. A few minutes later they walked past us, heading towards Dimitri's room I suppose, both fully dressed. They talked to Dimitri before walking out of his room, closing the door and waiting outside it. Spencer and I walked up to them.
“We're going to track them down. Let them sleep in. I know that if we don't get back before nightfall, Melody, Mary-Anne and Julliette will worry non stop.” Stella explained. Dimitri walked out fully dressed after that and the three of them left.
We let Zack, Stella and Dimitri go to get my niece and nephew alone. Spencer and I waited for an hour in the twin's room. I knew that Melody and Dustin would be the first ones to come into the room. And I was right. They came in and once they saw the empty cribs they started to panic.
“Stella, Zack and Dimitri are tracking William down. He and Victoria have the twins” Spencer said before they could ask.
“There's not much we can do until we get word from them” I added. Melody turned into Dustin's embrace and started crying into his chest. He just held her.
“Your sister is going to do everything she can to bring them back you know this.” Dustin said kissing her temple. I looked away from them, already missing and worrying about Zack and Stella. Spencer got up and started to walk out the door. As she passed the couple she placed her hands on their shoulders before leaving the room.

After a few more hours everyone was awake and we were gathered in the living room.
“The twins were taken this morning. Stella and Zacky took Dimitri with them to find Gwen and Toby.” Spencer said once she had everyone's attention.
“Hopefully we will hear from them later tonight” I added as I looked over at Brian. He looked so scared. I knew he would be. He loved Stella a lot and I knew he wanted her to be safe even if she was a vampire who could protect herself better than he ever could. Melody and Dustin were frightened. It was their two babies that were taken. Actually now that I think about it, everyone looked scared. But Melody, Dustin, Papa and Brian were like terrified. I knew I was too. I just didn't want everyone to know exactly what I was feeling.

We had waited for hours. Soon the day turned to night and Dustin got this far away look on his face before he darted up.
“Stella's been bitten. Zack and Dimitri are coming back with her” he said before he raced to the door. Papa and I followed him. When I saw the twins I was happy. That happiness ended when I saw my sister.
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Comments? Next chapter will be intense
Big thanks to Delightful Syn for her ideas and inspiration to actually write this you should all tell her a big thank you