Sequel: Unholy Confessions

Blood Soaked Tears

Brompton Cocktail


The tour had started again. Brian and I had talked a little bit about my pregnancy. Brian suggested that I move to Huntington Beach with him, which is what Papa, Vlad and Boris told me before I left. Sp after the tour was over we planned on going back to Russia so that I could get some of my clothes and things that I didn't want to leave there. Luckily enough, the tour only had a month and a half left.
Spencer and Matt were doing unholy things in Matt's bunk. Jimmy and Julliette were off in Jimmy's bunk, hopefully not doing the same. Which left Johnny, Zacky, Brian and myself. We had ended up watching movies until we arrived at our next venue. After the end of the first movie, Young Frankenstein, Jimmy and Julliette joined us. Johnny was sitting in Zacky's lap, laying his head on Zack's shoulder and cuddling his body close to Zack's, on one couch. I was cuddled up against Brian, my head on his shoulder, on the same couch. Jimmy and Julliette stretched across the other couch, with Julliette on top of Jimmy. We popped in another movie, The Wolf Man. I think we got about half-way through before I fell asleep on Brian. When I woke up again, it was because Brian was gently shaking my shoulder. He was sitting next to me on his bunk. When he noticed that I had opened my eyes he smiled at me. I sat up slowly and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
“We're at the venue. Dustin and Elsa wanted to talk to you” Brian said softly as I laid my head on his shoulder. I had barely gotten any sleep last night, after I had another vision about a vampire war. I was extremely tired though. Brian helped me get out of the bed and we walked over to my bus where Elsa and Dustin were waiting. I let Brian go and told him to go get ready for the concert. Dustin, Elsa, and I walked onto the bus and sat down.
“Vlad said there's going to be a war with new borns. Papa said there is no way in hell that you are going to be in that war. You will be somewhere with the twins, Brian, Matt, Jimmy and their parents. Everyone else will most likely fight” Dustin said softly.
“When and where?” I asked just as softly.
“Close to the end of your pregnancy, and we haven't figured out where yet. But we will figure that out soon” Elsa replied.
“Why not the basement? We can make it so that the only way to open it is from the inside. We did the same thing when the castle was attacked” I suggested. Elsa and Dustin thought about it for a moment, before Elsa dialed my brother and walked into the back room. The two talked for a while before she came back out.
“Vlad's going to talk to your father. Why don't you go back to Brian. I'm sure he's worried something's going on.” Elsa said. I nodded and got off of the couch.
“And Stella, try to get some more sleep. Don't worry about the war” Dustin said as I started to walk away. I turned around and smiled at him. I walked out and went into the venue. I saw my brother, Zack, Brian, Spencer, Matt, Jimmy and Julliette just sitting around. I walked over to them and stopped next to Brain.
“Elsa tell you about Vlad's vision?” Spencer asked me softly.
“Yeah. I can't say I'm excited but I understand why” I said. I was slightly upset about not fighting but I don't think I could ever put the baby in danger.
“What's going on?” Jimmy asked. Spencer, Julliette, Zacky, Johnny and I looked at each other for a moment before I made a decision.
“Vlad had a vision about a war. It'll be around the end of my pregnancy, so you three and your families will be with the twins and I somewhere else while it happens.” I replied. They all looked at me in shock.
“War between who?” Brian asked looking down at me. I looked up at him then at everyone else.
“New borns, between us and the council” Spencer replied for me. After this we changed to subject. As we talked, I stifled yawns. We did our sound checks and before we went on, Dustin brought me coffee.


Spending my entire vampire life with Zack as friends was nothing like being with him in our relationship. I knew there was something there when we first had sex.
Zack and I were in the cabin we owned in the rocky mountains. We were snowed in and instead of digging ourselves out like we could have easily done, we decided to let ourselves act human for a night. We had made a light human dinner which would give us enough energy for us to last until we could get out of the cabin. I had started tending to the fire when Zack walked up behind me. He waited until I had finished and stood up again before he made his move. He wrapped his arms around my torso from behind me. He lightly sucked on my neck until he was sure there was a mark there. He turned me around and kissed my lips softly.
“What are you doing Zack?” I asked against his lips.
“I need something, just let me do this” he replied. I wasn't sure what he was talking about as he started kissing me again. I knew this was wrong, we were both guys and I could just imagine what his parents would say. All those thoughts were erased from my mind when Zack rammed his hips into my own. I let out an involuntary moan as I felt his erection rub against my semi hard cock. He smirked and did it again. My cock was fully erect by this time.
“Fuck Zack” I groaned as I pulled him closer to me. He smirked once again and started ripping my clothes off of my body. He guided me to the couch where he laid me down and took my cock into his mouth. I gasped at the feeling. He sucked me off teasingly until I came in his mouth. The moment he took him mouth off of me, I pulled him up and took off all of his clothes. I switched our positions and took his erection into my mouth. He moaned loudly. I surprised myself as I continued to suck him off. I had been with many women in my vampiric life but I felt more comfortable doing this with Zack than I ever did with any of those girls. As Zack hit his orgasm, he screamed my name. I moaned against his cock as he came.
“That was amazing Johnny” Zack groaned as I lapped up all of his cum and swallowed it.
“It was” I said softly. He sat up and looked at me.
“Something wrong?” he asked; I shook my head.
“You're still hard” I stated. He smirked as he leaned close to me, and put his lips against my ear.
“I want inside you Johnny” he whispered. I moved my head and kissed him passionately. After that I let him thrust himself into me.

I smiled at the memory. Zack came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, much like he had done that first night we had sex.
“What are you thinking about babe?” he whispered in my ear.
“The first time we had sex” I replied, smiling at him. He smiled at me.
“That was a great night” he said resting his chin on my shoulder.
“I still haven't figured out what got into that night” I pointed out.
“I took advantage of us being alone and took what I wanted” he said. Zack was looking at something. I looked towards were he was looking at and saw Stella leaning on Brian for support. She looked really tired. I knew she hadn't been sleeping well and just looking at her made me feel selfish for thinking about what I had just been thinking about.
“What's wrong baby” Zack asked placing a gentle kiss on the base of my neck.
“I feel so selfish. I've been with my soul mate since I was changed, whereas she has been surrounded by couples with the exception of two people. She spent the last few centuries looking for me and our mother. And now, she's worrying Brian and putting her health at risk by worrying about something that she can't stop” I said sadly.
“Things happen for a reason baby. Brian can take care of her. And I know that Dustin has already talked to her about it. Just relax” Zack said. I smiled and moved my head to kiss his lips.
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So Thank you to Delightful Syn for the outfit and for the idea for Johnny's part
and if you haven't checked it out yet, check out Delightful Syn's and my contest