Sequel: Unholy Confessions

Blood Soaked Tears

Sometimes Life Is Altered

Brian's POV

After Spencer finished explaining the answer to Matt's question we arrived at the venue we were playing at tonight. I looked over at Stella but her eyes were focusing elsewhere. I looked up at Julliette, Spencer and Johnny before Zacky walked over to her.
“She's having some sort of vision” Zacky said. Julliette and Johnny seemed to have no idea what to do and neither did Zacky.
“Move” Spencer said standing up. She took two swift strides before she knelt down next to Stella and gently touched her forehead. A couple minutes later, Stella's eyes became focused on Spencer. I could see it in Spencer's eyes that what ever she saw is something to worry about.
“Is everything alright aunt Stella?” Julliette asked sounding more like a kid than she looked as she made her way over to my girlfriend. Stella took a minute before she replied.
“You don't need to worry about anything sweetie. Why don't you go explore the venue before Uncle Dustin and Aunt Elsa get here?” she offered her in a soft voice as she gently laced a hand on Julliette's cheek. Julliette nodded and left the bus.
“I'm going to go with her” Spencer said, which Stella nodded to, before walking off the bus after Julliette.
“What'd you see?” Johnny asked cautiously.
“Something that I refuse to let happen” Stella said softly before getting up and sitting next to me again. I put my arms around her shoulders and she buried her head into my side. I saw the others get up and leave, Zacky saying they were going to give us some privacy. Once they were all gone, Stella let out a sob. I held her tighter than before. We sat there like that for a few more minutes before Stella spoke.
“I'm sorry” she said weakly.
“What'd you see baby?” I asked her softly.
“Something horrible. Something that will make this concert interesting. Promise me that while you're not performing you'll stick close to one of the vampires if not me” she asked looking up at me.
“Why?” I asked her confused.
“Just promise me. Promise me that you, Jimmy and Matt will be around at least one vampire at all times tonight” she said more stern than the first time. I nodded numbly before moving my thumb under her eyes to catch the tears flowing down her lovely face. I kissed her softly before we both stood up. She said she heard her bus pull up and started dragging me there.
“So just out of curiosity, why are we here?” I asked as we watched her bus come to a stop.
“I wanna show you something” was all she said before leading me onto the bus where her band mates were sitting around talking.
“Hey Stell, Brian” they all chorused.
“Hey” I said as I followed Stella into the back where the bunks where located. She stopped at a bunk at the very end of the row on the left and started searching her bag for something. Once she found it she pulled it out and placed it in my hand. Sometimes I forget just how strong she is.
“If by the end of the night, before you get on your bus, I haven't asked for this back or I'm not there, give it to Dustin and tell him I'm sorry” She said looking me dead in the eye as her hand held mine closed around the object she placed in my hand. When she let me go I opened it to see a small box that would fit a ring or a pair of earrings. I looked at her and nodded. We sat on her bunk for a little while before I had to go to sound check. She said she was going to stay there and talk to her band mates. When I got there everyone else was just arriving.
“Did Stella ask you for an odd request like stay with a vampire at all times?” Matt asked once he saw me. I looked at him then at the other three then nodded.
“That's exactly what she asked me to do” I answered. “Why?”
“Spencer asked Matt and Jimmy to stay near at least one vampire except for when we are performing” Johnny responded. We did our sound check then waited around for a couple hours before Stella's band went on stage.
As their band got on stage I watched my girlfriend. I watched every move she made, every gesture she did, every expression she gave. I felt Spencer's eyes on me as I did all of my observations.
After her part of the concert was over, I walked over to her and hugged her from behind. She finished signing something for her fan standing in front of her and turned around to kiss me. The fan was in awe at the sight.
“Good luck out there baby” she said against my lips. I smirked and kissed her again. The fan asked if she could get a picture of the two us together which we happily took.
“You did amazing” I said kissing her again.
“You will too” she said as we walked back stage. We were attached at the hip practically until I had to go on stage.

Once I was off stage I looked around for her until Zack and Johnny started pulling me away from the venue. They told me to be silent as we slowly approached another building soon I could hear her talking to someone else.
“If you don't do this, I'll make sure they never see the light again” a deep male's voice said.
“How long do I have to get it done?” Stella asked, emotionless.
“You have three months to decide, then after that a week to get it done and trust me, it's takes more time than that” he said, cocky and powerful. She didn't reply.
“Just give it thought you wouldn't want them dead would you?” he asked mockingly.
“Fuck you” she said venomously. There were a few minutes of silence before Stella walked over to us. She looked pissed off and extremely sad at the same time.
“What'd he want?” Johnny asked looking at his sister in worry.
“He knows where mom is. He wants me to do something for him before he tells me where she is” she answered. I could tell that he was about to asked another question but Stella walked off before he could. Her fists were clenched and the muscles in her arms were tightening with each step she took. The three of us watched her go until she was out of even their sight. When I looked back over to them, I noticed their hands laced to each other.
“When'd this happen?” I asked gesturing to their hands. They both looked down before looking at each other.
“When we stopped at the hotel last night.” Zacky replied obviously nervous.
“Good for you, it's about time” I said smiling at them. They smiled at me in return before we started making our way back to the bus. Before we made it, Jimmy, Matt and Stella's band came up to us. Spencer and Julliette were with them.
“Did Stella give you a small black box for a ring or something?” Dustin asked once he was in front of us. I nodded and handed it to him. He opened it and growled.
“Vlad was right...” Elsa trailed off looking at the box.
“But why would aunt Stella betray us like that?” Julliette asked confused and worried.
“She isn't. They planned it like this. They threatened the things she loves the most: Her mother, her soul mate, and her twin. She hasn't done anything that could be considered betraying yet” Dustin replied. I was completely confused, as were many people by the looks of it.
“Come on we should talk about this on a bus. Your guys' since we can jump out of the bus and not get hurt” Dusting said leading us all to the bus. After we were all on, Spencer started explaining things.
“After Stella was changed, and well the rest of the family was changed, Victoria claimed that because she changed them all they would have to do her a favor each. None of them actually agreed to it but made it seem like they did. A decade later, a man approached her with a bouquet of roses. The man happened to be the guy she was originally supposed to marry before she was changed. He had been attacked and turned into a vampire. He told her that since they were still both living that they could be married like they were supposed to be in the first place. She played innocent and acted like she had no clue who he was. He left he alone after that. But not before giving her a small black box that one would carry a ring in. Inside was the ring he would have given her if she had remember who he was. She told me and Dustin that if they ever saw that ring again, it meant he was back. So now that it's here, we know he's back.” Spencer said looking around the room.
“She was talking to a man earlier. He said something about people dying. He told her she had three months to make a decision then a week after that to complete something” Johnny said looking up at Spencer.
“He wants me to marry him and take the thrown of Italy so he can over power the vampires there to slowly take over the world. That's his master plan.” Stella's voice surprised us all as she stood by the back of the bus. We all looked over at her. I could tell that she was angry and sad at the same time.
“Who did he threaten?” Dustin asked.
“The three people I love most” she said. I noticed her eyes flickered toward Johnny and I. “and I refuse to let him get the power he needs to take over the world or to harm those three people” she said sternly. Johnny stood up and hugged her tightly. They whispered back and forth for a few moments before everyone decided it was time to leave the bus except for Julliette, Spencer our band and Stella. I got up and hugged Stella before telling her she should sleep some. Then we all went to bed. Johnny and Zacky shared a bunk, Spencer shared one with Matt, and Julliette shared one with Jimmy. Stella took off her clothes, leaving her in her bra and underwear, which I was impressed with, before taking off her heels, which I heard Spencer call her red 'Fuck Me' heels, before she climbed into my bunk. I stripped myself of clothes and climbed in after her. She laid her head on my chest, whispered she loved me and drifted off to sleep. I followed her soon after.
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So thought I'd do a point of view different than Stella and Johnny.
Love that i have 65 readers and 9 subscribers but i wish i had at least one comment so please?
Stella concert