Status: This is just a story i wrote when i was maybe ten years old, exactly how it is, no editing, i look forward to writing some love storys soon

Donnelly And the Necklace


When Donnelly was born his parents had abandoned him on his 13 year old brother Gerard’s doorstep in a small village know as Caslum. Gerard was a brave boy who had run away from home when he was 8 but made a living with his musical talents of the guitar and flute. He was not rich but had a decent sized home with stonewalls and a cellar along with a main floor. He was a tall man with long blond hair and a bit of muscle. He had fair hygiene. Gerard welcomed in his baby brother as he could never abandon his brother and he knew he could support him so they lived together. Gerard raised him to be a brave and generous boy. He was also smart but had lots to learn. When Donnelly was left on Gerard’s doorstep his parents left a necklace that had a beautiful jade with a base of gold. On the back was carved Donnelly Sellitter which is how Gerard learned that he was his brother. Only a week after his parents had left Donnelly had his parents been assassinated by people in a dark brotherhood. Noone but Donnelly’s parents knew why they were killed. Some think they were in search for Donnelly’s necklace, some people believed they had just committed a few crimes. Noone knew for sure.