Status: This is just a story i wrote when i was maybe ten years old, exactly how it is, no editing, i look forward to writing some love storys soon

Donnelly And the Necklace

The Battle Begins

The next day when we woke up it finally caught Arden what had happened. He started panting because of losing the sack. After a while he seemed to pull himself together. I figured he knew enough about survival that we would be ok. Donnelly we must move on. I did nothing but nod my head and follow Arden. Arden and I started to move downwards till it got to steep to walk and it all turned to rocks. I had just learned how to climb up I thought, How on earth would I climb down. Arden could tell how nervous I was and he realized my disposition. Arden began to help me. Donnelly it’s just like going up. Grab rocks and move down to the next. He started to climb down and I gathered up the courage to do the same. I seemed to be doing ok Arden was at least 10 feet below me; he was very good at climbing. I looked down and got scared out of my mind but luckily I saw where it started to turn back to walkable land and the rest was downhill walking. We kept climbing down for at least an hour. As we climbed down Arden took many herbs that stuck out of the rocks. We were about 10 feet away from the ground when a rock I was standing on fell from under my foot and I fell once again to the ground. It felt just like before but this time I wouldn’t let myself rest, I knew I had to move on. Donnelly! Are you all right? No but I have to move on. I admire your will but are you sure. Yes! I shouted. I knew it was starting to get to my head how my brother Gerard is counting on me I started to feel frustration and will. Fine I guess you are right. As we walk I will make a small potion mix on this leaf. It should be a good enough surface to hold a dose and I’ve gathered enough herbs. Once again I was astonished at what Arden could do. As we walked Arden worked on a healing potion. After a while he succeeded and handed me a leaf with maybe 3 drops of liquid on it. I drank it and felt a bit woozy but then the pain started to go away. We moved on downhill. Arden, where were you born? I don’t know he said but I know that I grew up in a small village called Brudna. Life was the same as it is now accept when I was young obviously I didn’t have as much knowledge as I do now. How about you? I grew up with my brother helping him perform his music by walking around with the hat to collect money and bread. Then he eventually taught me how too. play my own music so now I can help my brother with money even more. We continued talking about our childhood for a quite a while. In no time we reached flat land again. Finally, I thought, no more down hill. I could see the end of water maybe 2 miles away. Arden and me ran to the end till we were stopped by a tall man in a robe. His face was hidden by his hood and he was holding a staff with a skull on it. Hello, I said questioningly. Out of nowhere he shot us with a blast of ice. Arden and I could see that we were a foe to him and prepared for battle.