Status: This is just a story i wrote when i was maybe ten years old, exactly how it is, no editing, i look forward to writing some love storys soon

Donnelly And the Necklace


After gathering some pennies for the road, I set off to the wizard’s house. When I reached the center of my village. I asked a peasant like myself If he knew of a great wizard. He directed me to the far end of Caslum. I walked a short distance to a small cottage. I knocked on the door. Who is it came a distinct voice. My name is Donnelly Sellitter, I returned. What is it you want, said the wizard. I seek help healing my brother Gerard I said desperately. Shortly the door creaked open. He studied me for a while and then let me in. he began to talk. So, you are Gerard’s brother I presume. What has happened to him? He is ill I said. He was poisoned with black magic. Is there anything you can do? I’m willing to pay. Child, I do not require payment, direct me to Gerard and I shall see what I can do. Shortly, we left his house and headed to my house. As we walked, people glared upon the wizard and me. I pay’d no attention to them and continued to lead the wizard to Gerard. When he arrived at my house we quickly went to the kitchen. The wizard studied the wound for quite some time. Then he told me about a way to save my brother. He began to speak. Dear Donnelly, there is a great quest ahead for you. There is indeed a way to save him. The way is through magic. An ancient relic known to reverse black magic. It is said to be found in a cave in the distant highlands far from here. It shall take days for you to reach but I believe you can do it. I cannot come because I must stay and make sure Gerard is ok. All I can give you is a map to lead you there and a broad sword for protection. Also I will supply you with a book of novice spells even you could do. These could also prove useful. First you must rest and gather all the supplies you need. I packed some pennies, a flute for I have a musical talent taught to me by my brother. A pair of clothes, the book, the sword, and my necklace.