Status: This is just a story i wrote when i was maybe ten years old, exactly how it is, no editing, i look forward to writing some love storys soon

Donnelly And the Necklace

Learning The Ropes

I was awakened by bright sun in my face from outside. It was a bright morning. It took a while to remember I was on an important quest. I got out of my room and continued my quest. I continued onward following the dirt road to aldameir. As I walked I studied the map to see what lied in store. The map was huge and it seemed dangerous but I must follow it. With common peeks at the map I walked. It was afternoon now and I had reached a sign in front of a tall fence. The sign said in big letters “ aldameir “ “home of the finest cows and sheep “ I walked into the fence and noticed a huge farm where I assumed were the finest cow’s and sheep. I realized my clothes were dirty and figured I could use more. I learned from Gerard that wool could be made into clothes. Sadly that is all I knew. I walked to the farm and knocked. Unlike everyone else, this person just let me in. welcome young boy, said the farmer, what can I do for you? I was wondering if you could possibly teach me how to make clothes. Id love to he said. I am always willing to share this wonderful skill. He explained to me that wool is sheared from the sheep’s and spun in a spinning wheel to make material for silky clothes. If you have the time I can teach you how to sew the wool in to clothes. I thanked him for his teachings and asked him if I can have some wool and spin it for myself if I sheer all of his sheep. He happily agreed and handed me a pair of sheers and sent me to the back. I spent hours sheering the sheep. The heat was murder on me and I felt like collapsing. Then the farmer came out with a mug of ale for me. I gratefully accepted it. Only 2 more sheep left to sheer I said. Good job. You have learned quick, he said. After I finally finished sheering all of the sheep I returned inside of the barn and the farmer let me spin the wool. When I finished he sent me on my way with a needle, thread and 10 pieces of spun wool. I put them in my sack and continued on. I figured I could make some money while I was in a village. I went to the center of aldameir and stood on a rock conveniently centered in the middle of the square. I took out my flute and began to play beautiful music. I put out my hat a couple feet in front of the rock and made a sign saying tips. As I played my beautiful music villagers walked over to the hat and placed pennies and loafs of bread in the hat. Someone even put in some thread for he noticed the wool sticking out of my sack. I took a bow and placed all of my earnings and my flute into my sack. I have spent enough time in this village and must move on.