Status: This is just a story i wrote when i was maybe ten years old, exactly how it is, no editing, i look forward to writing some love storys soon

Donnelly And the Necklace

Heavy Travels

it was morning and the wizard woke us up at about 5 before most people were up. Wake up you too he said. What time is it? Said Donnelly. 5 the wizard returned. You must go early before you can be seen. You must make it to the mountains. The wizard gave us some food and we went on our way. We went out of the city and north. The whole way I used light magic to guide us through the dark. I felt amazed by what I learned about magic. After the sun started to come up we reached a huge body of water and mountains. This was where we were to go and we continued along side the lake now going away from the road and in to the wilderness. We climbed over many rocks and I tripped many times but somehow Arden didn’t slip once. We traveled for a long time till we found a flat spot with sand. We relaxed on the sand. How did you not fall at all, I asked. Practice he returned. I used to wonder these areas all the time. If there’s anything you come across and want to know about just ask me. What dangers are here I asked. He returned, there are a lot of dangers, animals, beasts and poisonous insects. But don’t worry Donnelly, I can handle it. We shouldn’t rest long I said. Gerard is still in pain and depending on me. I agree, said Arden. We should go now. We have to get as much travel as we can before dark. As we gathered our things I started to think. It seemed like Arden was the troop leader and I was the scout. And it was my mission. I am grateful though for I would probably be killed if I were alone. I don’t know anything about this area. After we got our things we set on just like we did before. Climbing on rocks by the river, Arden in front of me and me tripping all the time. We came across a series of rocks piled on to each other about 30 feet high and there was no way around. Do you think it is sturdy? I asked. Only one way to find out. Arden went forward and started climbing. Wait! How will I climb with the sack? Give it to me I can carry it. Grateful I gave him it and began to climb as well. It took a while and we were about half way now. It wasn’t that hard to climb. It all seemed sturdy. Then I stepped on one rock and it fell and I fell with it all the way to the ground. Arden climbed back down rapidly. I was hurt badly. I could go on but I would need some rest. We have to treat your wounds said Arden. I don’t know how I said. I do. You go to sleep and ill gather things to heel your wounds. I will wake you up when I have what I need. I put my head down and slept easily since I didn’t get much sleep at the wizard’s house. Arden set out to look for what he needed. Donnelly, wake up. I woke up and saw soaked leafs on my wounds. What is this, I said. A remedy I learned from some druids. I found herbs along the river and mixed them with water to make a healing mix, which I applied by soaking a leaf in it. It’s been on you for about a half hour so far and you should be ready to move on in about a half hour. I took the liberty of adding some of these herbs and leafs to the back incase we need them again. Can you share with me how to heal? I would love to, he returned. This is another skill called herb lore where druids use herbs to make potions that can give you energy and heal wounds. He spent a half an hour telling me combinations of herbs and what they looked like. Arden amazed me. In such a short time Arden taught me 2 amazing skills. Magic and herb lore. I always saw Gerard as like a father. Arden felt like a brother to me. I haven’t even known him that long. Arden checked my wounds again and said I should be able to move on now. I was amazed at how Arden has healed me. I felt like a million gold coins. I was afraid the rocks now but I just thought of Gerard when ever I got scared about climbing. This time I was successful and me and Gerard went up the rocks and back down the other side. Ahead was a beach of sand with no rocks. I was grateful for the easy travel god blessed us with. We didn’t talk much. Then I felt like getting more acquainted. What did you do for fun in your life, I asked. Many things Donnelly. I skipped rocks, set up targets for magic, and I usually found humor in a lot of ease dropping. He smiled when he said that. What I skipping rocks, I asked. Ill show you. Arden picked up a rock and through it across the lake and it bounce on the water 3 times. My eyes lit up. How do you do that? As we walked Arden showed me the way to through them and the proper angle. As hard as I tried I couldn’t get it. My rocks always sunk without any hops. You’ll get it eventually, he said. We must keep a fast pace though. As we walked I couldn’t help but to keep trying even though I always failed. Soon we reached the end of the beach and back to the annoying rocks. We continued as we had before accept this time I didn’t fall. I seemed to get used to it. I think Arden noticed because of how he smiled.