

I’m Frank Iero
and I’d just like to say that I’m in love. not with one singular person, no. I’m in love with the world. My world. I love my band, I love my band mates, Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Bob. I love my family. I even love myself...most of the time.

This is the story of a time when I didn’t.
A time when my life was going down the drain, and I was too depressed even to get out of bed in the morning. Too depressed to play guitar. To depressed to call my friends to see if they were doing anything on the weekend. To depressed to live. I wish my story didn’t start out happy, then i’d spare you guys the sadness of what happened later, but i have to start somewhere and the beginning is ideal.

I suppose it started in April of last year. Yeah. It was the middle of April and the guys and I and a few friends were at the mall. We went into a shop. A candy shop, because I felt I needed to get more hyper than I already was, and Bert, (yes, Bert from The Used) had to “pee” and the bathroom was only two stores down. So Bert took Gerard with him (for no particular reason (haha)) Mikey, me, Ray and Quinn went into the sugar stocked place (no one really found out where Bob was. He’s not dead (obviously) but he just hasn’t told us where he went, I don’t really care anyway I’m glad he missed the point in my life that started the catastrophe that would be the rest of that year) I spied a bag of skittles. I really like them. The rest of the band dosn’t, they say skittles remind them too much of our fans.. the fans are always talking about skittles.. the guys says it gets annoying. But whatever.Quinn thought it would be a good idea to start chucking lollypops at my head as I purchased the Skittles. The girl that was working in the store didn’t think it was a good idea. (wonder why?) Anyway, as i was acquiring lots of tiny lollypop bumps all over my head the girl in the store ran up to Quinn and slapped him in the face. “I told you to stop that sir. Now will you please stop ruining my merchandise and clean up the floor?”
Quinn was in an exceptionally rude mood just then and he said something to the effect of this: “You know what? NO! bitch, clean them up yourself, it’s your fucking store”
At this point I interveined “umm Quinn” I said in a singsong voice “I think we should listen to the woman, and pick up the mess we made”
“uhh how about... no” was what he said to me, as he left the store. So I knelt down and started picking up the peices of Lollypop on the floor. I didn’t find anything strange about this, but the store chick did.
“What are you doing?” she asked me accusingly
“Uhh, cleaning the floor??”
“Uh-huh, well don’t. I’ve got a vacuum.”
Now I was confiused “Then why did Quinn have to clean it up?”
“I was doing an experiment, I really don’t care about the mess on the floor, that will be super easy to clean up”
“Aaaaand what was the intention of your experiment?” I asked in all honesty
then she went on this huge rant about how sterotypically, angry people will do angry things without knowing it, then when people see them doing things they are typically not supposed to do they freak out. She told me her theroy was proven by Quinn’s actions just now, and that she had been waiting for someone like Quinn for a long time, because she needed an example.
I was sufficiently weirded out at this point.
And now Ray was getting impatient, and wanted this chick to shut up, because apparently he had to go to the washroom.
I aslo wanted her to shut up, because I wanted my skittles, but I was lucky, she gave me a bag for free along with the one I had purchased.
After I had the skittles I followed Rayto the washroom where we found Bert and Gerard practically doing it, not even distracted by the other idiots in the bathroom calling them faggots and whatnot.

Bob, Mikey and Ray and I normally take turns pulling Gerard off other guys.. and it’s not always amusing. Gerard is very stubborn and will almost always be able to swear at, kick, or punch the ‘Puller’ in these situations, all the while still managing to stay liplocked to whatever boy he was on. But that’s what normally happens. This time was different, and it just made my day weirder.It was my turn to “Pull” (yes, i know that sounds kinky.. but it’s not..not yet anyway) I went to grab Gerard to get him off Bert who was pushed up against the wall, but i wasn’t able to, because Gerard grabbed me first, started kissing me, and shoved me against Bert. And I could feel Bert, like, “BERT” Bert, if you catch my drift. And it was gross because I’m not gay, that’s Gerard’s shit. And now, here I was, having my tongue mauled by one of my best friends, being pushed against another one of my friends hard-on, in the middle of a public washroom full of homophobes. My mother would give me shit for this...
I could feel Bert’s breath on the back of my ear, and if Gerard pushed up against me which made me push up against Bert he would make tiny moaning sounds. Then suddenly Bert thought that was a good time to grab my dick, I tried to reolcate his hand, but he just slapped me on the thigh, and went back to trying to shove his hand down my pants. Thank god for the tightness of girl style boypants, he couldn’t get in, until it hit him that undooing the button and zipper made life easier for him. He managed to get into my underwear and actually touch me (!! cue weirdness) and then rub me. Now, I’m not going to lie, having him rub me felt good, cause, I’m a male, and that special male organ does feel good when touched, wether it is being touched by someone you really love, or your two, male friends practially raping you. It IS the same feeling, and you don’t always need a face to apply the feeling to. So this went on, and I didn’t protest, and actually kissed Gerard back, untill I realized again that I wasn’t gay, at which point I shoved Gerard off me, who got pissed off, fast. And started to freak out on everyone in the bathroom.

(and I’ll leave you at that!! tell me if you like it.. and tell me if you dont... this is my first fanfic ever.... so obviously it does suck.. but I can edit and re-edit.. I just want to know if the story seems okay so far.. *crosses fingers* if you do like it, I’m able to update most weekends and tuesdays)
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hmmmmm... Wow... I didn't know I was that bad at this when I first started out...

I promise I've gotten better, at writing I mean, and once I finish the piece of smutty goodness that I'm currently slaving over, I'll put it here on mibba. I promise.

I doubt I'll ever add to this, but if anyone else wants to give me ideas, or actually continue it themselves, be my guest, I would gladly hand this over to someone that would do better with it.
