Status: These are just old pieces that I've written. I'll add a new one or two periodically.

My Vampires


A sigh…

It’s time again. God, how I hate it. It isn’t that I kill, (because I don’t), or that I feel guilty, (because I don’t) but it’s the feeling that I’ve unjustly used someone. Of course, there are always those strange people inhabiting the ‘blood bars’ and what-have-you, but you just never know where they’ve been. It’s always been, to me at least, like drinking after someone you’ve never met. Rather undesirable, no? You never know if-

A shiver.

I walked down the street like I’ve done so many times before and will doubtless do again, and brushed past a familiar face. Young girl, late teens, early twenties, thereabouts. Slender, redhead, green eyes and freckles. Sweet young thing. I slipped an arm about her waist and before she knew it, she was wrapped in my arms.

“Hello, Sydney.” I whispered in her ear.

“Oh! Sam! You startled me!” she laughed uneasily into my shoulder. I told her my name was Sam for very simple reasons. I couldn’t have anyone knowing who I was, could I? And besides, I couldn’t have any of my own knowing that I routinely fed from one particular human.

“I’m sorry.” I said, meaning it. I hated scaring her. Even though she wasn’t actually afraid of me, it still made me feel mean.

“You didn’t mean to. My place?” she asked, settling to my side and pulling me along the sidewalk with her.

“You mean there’s any place else?” I asked, smiling down at her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short one, I know, but really... You can't expect Simone to go into detail about something as personal as feeding, can you?