Love in All the Wrong Places

Madeline Samuels isnt like the rest of her friends, she doesnt come from a very wealthy family and she doesnt even talk to her family because they dont accept her. Maddie has had many heartbreaks in her past but then 2 great guys come into her life and now she has to figure out which one she loves more. She doesnt want a rich guy to spend money on her, but if the perfect guy just turns out to be she wont turn him down. Madeline just wants be single but what if fate is sending her a clear message that even she cant understand?

Stella Roberts is very wealthy and lives with her best friend Madeline Samuels, she wishes Maddie would focus ont he real world and instead school and try to find herself a great guy like she has in her life. Stella will go to any length for best friend, would she encourage her to have one too many boyfriends?

Carter Herrington is a super rich guy who is best friends with Madeline, and she actually helped Carter and Stella become a couple. Stella and Carter have been dating for 3 years and couldnt love each other anymore, they constantly hook Maddie up with guys who she cant stand but he doesnt even notice this about her. Maddie is like his little sister and he jkust wants her to be as happy as he is. How can he help his little sister/best friend achieve that?

Carson Grayson is very wealthy and as soon as he gets married his father will hand the company over to him, he sees Maddie at a party and is immediatly infatuated with her. He gets Carter to help him get close to Maddie, and it actually works. Carson wants the perfect housewife; cleans, make babies, and kisses him off to work every morning, will he find that in Maddie?

Alex Harper works in the food business and has had many one night stands and doesnt believe in love, until he meets Maddie and then everything he worked hard for goes down the drain when he falls in love. Will he be able to keep Maddie or will he screw up and ruin his chances with her?