The Letters


The night me and Gabe were going to run away together, it rained. The cold drops of water poured down on me as I waited for Gabe to pick me up at the park. I waited for two hours in the cold. I had finally walked to Gabe’s house; his mom gave me a sympathetic look and told me Gabe had left, forever. He had left me. As I started walking back to my house the tears made their way down my cheeks mixing with the rain. I cried on the front porch till I fell asleep, my parents found me with my face stained with tears and a duffel bag with sopping wet clothes.
Even though it’s been a year I’m not over it. I don’t think I will get over it, but I will try. I didn’t want to spend another year moping and upsetting my parents; I wanted to finally do something. I had even applied to universities; after Gabe left my parents thought I should stay at home. I used my saved up money from working at the local diner over the past few years for me to stay in Paris for the summer. I had rented an apartment and had my bags packed already. I was trying my best to get over it.

I stared at the calendar on my wall, only three days till I get to leave the place where my life had fallen apart. Three days and I couldn’t wait till they were over. I turned around and looked at the room around me, two packed suitcases lying at the foot of the bed and closed cardboard boxes lying around the room. I had placed the box full of letters into one of my bags and not given it another glance.

Suddenly I heard a sigh; I turned and looked towards the door. My older brother Caleb was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed in front of his chest, he was looking around the bare room. Caleb came into the room, stood beside me and silently looked at the date circled in red marker.

“This is going to be good for you” Caleb said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

“I really hope so.” I replied. I leaned against my brother and put my head on his shoulder. We stood like that for a few minutes.

“Kids, lunch is ready!” My mom called from the kitchen. Caleb and I headed downstairs, our parents already sitting at the table. The table was filled with bowls and plates overflowing with food, most of my favorites. Now I knew for sure my mom was sad about me leaving, she filled my plate with food with a giant smile plastered on her face. Lunch went by smoothly and Caleb and I were lying down on the grass in the backyard and eating ice-cream.

“I’m going to miss you.” Caleb told me after we finished our ice-cream.

“I’ll miss you too.” I took Caleb’s hand and squeezed. I turned and looked at my big brother, my best friend and saw tears in his eyes. We had never been apart before and I don’t think Caleb was ready for me to leave, no matter how much it helps me.