Status: Writing the Rest of the Chapters

Blood Singer


No one listened to the rantings of a bipolar sixteen year old girl, and because they don't listen of course Doctor Cullen ended up continuing to be Asenka's caretaker. If only so he could keep a constant eye on her. It was for her own safety. How else was he supposed to make sure that his insane 'child' didn't go after her? Or was it his own selfish need to see a girl who didn't have the rest of her life ahead of her? The answer was an uncomfortable one, since the girl was only the tender age of sixteen.


Fucking sick. It was disgusting to feel this way, and yet there it was, plain as day.

Whoop-de-fucking-do, he was interested in a girl who was younger than him mentally and physically. It probably didn't help that the girl hated him, because he couldn't keep his hands off of her. She glared, and it didn't take an empath to figure out that she despised him.

That hurt, to know that a person you are attracted to finds you distasteful. She cooperated politely enough, but she never spoke, not a word, and it was beginning to take its toll on the good doctor.

Asenka couldn't possibly have known that each time her scent hit Carlisle Cullen, the master of self-control, it nearly took every bit of compassion he had to keep the monster at bay. It would've loved nothing more than to sink its fangs into her pretty neck and make her his permanently. She also couldn't have possibly known that every time she treated everyone else to her usual smiling face and indestructible persona, it only made him more and more angry. He hated sharing her smiles, her affection, and dear lord, it made him even more upset than before. it was times like this he really wished he was the compassionate soul everyone expect him to be. He really wished he was as kind and loving as his wife so believes.

The truth is worse, so much worse. His calm, cool nature was only a facade, and the facade was breaking every time his beautiful Esme smiled at him, with all the fucking trust in the world, and every time he kept his thoughts from Edward because they would disgust his 'son', he could feel it ebb away. He was only glad that Alice was no longer around to have visions of him possibly doing something to harm his blood singer.

Or possibly making another 'child' this one to keep to himself. It was tempting, but wrong, so very wrong, and he wasn't going to have anything do with that.

He was almost three hundred and sixty nine years old for Christ's sake! He had better control than this! He had centuries of experience with it! He would not let some sexy sixteen year old ruin everything.

She is not sexy, she is a child!, his mind admonished, a child with friends, family, and people who adore her, it would be utterly selfish of you to take that away from her!

His conscience was right, but sure as hell didn't mean he had to listen to it. The monster in him had a just as compelling argument in response. So, wait a few years, she'll be an adult, we have all the time in the world to get a taste of that wonderful blood, and don't tell me that you don't want that, don't lie to yourself, you know that she is tasty and you want everything from her. You want her love, her trust, her smiles, her sarcasm, her body, her heart, her mind, you want it all! So take it, and quit being such a fucking baby! You've earned this one slip-up after centuries of control! You'd forgive Edward if he fucked up, so you can forgive yourself, come on, take a bite of that pretty neck and tell me that doesn't taste good, taste her lips and tell me you don't want more.

It's wrong, filthy, you know damn well that if you do this, your family will never forgive you! His family, that was another great reason to not do this. His family, oh that would break their hearts, it would destroy something he was so desperately clinging to. It was his family that kept this back, and even that wasn't going to be enough.

It wouldn't ever be enough, and it was stupid to even fucking try. Even if it meant going against everything he ever believed in, it would feel so good. So wonderfully good. His family could forgive him.

And the good doctor snapped.


Asenka yawned and stretched as the hum of the mundane reached her ears. Why, oh why did she have to have an AB Negative blood type? Why couldn't she have a normal fucking blood type, like O Negative, or B Positive or something? At least then she wouldn't have to deal with this shit. As it was, her parents didn't want her out in the world, lest her problem worsens.

Fucking idiots, every last one of them. It probably didn't help that her would-be molester still was in charge of taking care of her, as he had been for the past year. She wondered why no one cared what she thought. Probably didn't want to listen to the insane ramblings of a bipolar girl with scary strength sometimes. It was frightening to behold. A shiver went up her spine at the thought of such an event. She didn't ever want to lose control like that again. She erased the annoying past out of her head as her so-called doctor came in, looking perfect as always. She ignores him, and boots up the laptop that has been sitting in her lap all this time. As soon as she gets to the Internet, she starts her im-ing of her only Internet friend, Bella,

KillingTimeWithYou: Asenka?

Blooddrops-SickofTests: I hate everything.

KillingTimeWithYou: You always hate everything, this is not new.

Blooddrops-SickofTests: This time I mean it. I'm sick of people ignoring me. Everyone just assumes that because I don't want something automatically means I will change my mind about it thirty fucking seconds later. My bipolar disorder isn't THAT fucking bad.

KillingTimeWithYou: ... Oh, people ignored you when you asked for another doctor?

Blooddrops-SickofTests: YES! Blooddrops-SickofTests has logged out.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Asenka snarls as her Internet kicks off. She glares at the doctor who now holds her Internet card in his hands. "Give that back, Doctor Cullen, or I'll bite you!" She growls, not knowing the effects of that statement on the now snapped doctor. She growls again, and does exactly as promised. She bites him, but it doesn't work the way it should, instead of him being in pain, she's the one in pain, as if she had just taken a bite out of marble. "OUCH! HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK, DO YOU HAVE A METAL PLATE IN YOUR HAND?!" She screams, holding her bleeding mouth. One of her teeth are chipped, she realizes, and the doctor's eyes are trained on the blood covered spot. Her eyes widen as his teeth lengthen. At least, that's what it looks like from her viewpoint.

He has fangs she notes, utterly frightened now. She's sure she saw fangs in the place of his canines. Now, she isn't sure what he is, but the moment passes, and the doctor grabs a tissue for the poor girl, and holds it to her bleeding lips. With unnecessary pressure, he holds it down, and Asenka flails. It hurts, it hurts so badly, and now she's realizing just how scary Doctor Cullen really is.

"You'll be alright, it's just a chipped tooth, does it hurt?" His tone is so smooth and suave that her toes almost curl. Shit, his voice sounded so sexy. She nods, slightly, and a smile slowly works its way across his lips. She shivers again.

"It hurts really bad, can you stop doing that?" She asks, slightly breathless because the man is so fucking close to her, yet she can feel no heat. The bleeding's stopped, so of course he could, and when he does, he leans forward slightly, and catches her mouth with his. It's a light, quick kiss and then it's done. At least, that is what it should have been, but the moment that the dried blood touches him, the good doctor loses any and all sense and kisses her hard. Asenka freezes and panicks trying as hard as she can to get him off of her, but nothing doing. His hands move down her waist and grip her closer, closer.

That slow, bruising kiss is making him lose all judgement. Asenka is still not responding, but that doesn't matter at the moment as his tounge licks up the rest of the now slightly bleeding cut. A moan escapes his throat, how long had he gone without this wonderful, wonderful liquid? It was so delicious! Why had he given up sweet, sweet delight like this?! It was foolish! Asenka screams into his mouth, and he responds by slipping his tounge into hers. His tounge scraps her teeth, and he kisses even harder, and she can't breathe any more, and oh god, it was starting to look like Carlisle wasn't going to ever stop, and then he does stop, and he pulls back with such force he lands on the wall opposite her bed. He covers his mouth with his hand in horror, and Asenka simply stares with wide, terrified eyes.

And he realizes that the monster was utterly right.
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Yeah, not that great, but I hope you liked it anyway. Please leave some comments and let me know what you think!