Sshh, Be Quiet.

Wednesday Night.

As night fell, the group in the living room slowly began to drift away into a cautious state of sleep. Steph, Jenna, Korynn, and Johnny were all asleep by midnight while the remaining four were trying to relax. While Lisa was laying with her eyes closed, she heard shuffling and footsteps walking away. She opened her eyes and saw them go into the kitchen. Assuming they wanted to talk about themselves, Lisa didn’t want to disturb them, but curiosity wanted her to know for sure. She went and stood around the corner within earshot.

“So, first and foremost, what about the band?” Zack asked.

“I don’t know, Zack. I mean, we’ll never find another drummer as great as him,” Matt said. “But we can’t just up and quit. What about our fans?”

“I think we should just wait until we get out of here, right?” Brian asked, his voice seeming shaky. “We need to figure out though, what is doing this?”

“What killed them? We don’t know. All we know is that two of us are dead,” Matt said.

“There has to be something though. Nobody is just gonna up and stab themselves. Somebody has to be here, somebody that doesn’t want us here.”

“Then wouldn’t they just let us out?”

“Somebody that’s a killer? That they don’t want us alive?”

“You guys remember that weird old guy when we first got here? He gave me the keys, but we never really saw him go away. I wonder if he has something to do with this.”

“Matt? You could be onto something,” Brian said. “How will we know for sure though?”

“No idea.”

“Well, one of the main priorities is protecting ourselves, and protecting the girls.”

“Definitely, but for now, we should get some sleep, and see what we can do tomorrow. And remember, anyone needs to use the bathroom, wake me,” Matt said.

Assuming they were heading back in, Lisa went back to her spot and laid back down. Still unable to fall asleep, she sat up about a half hour later and sighed. She looked around at the group which looked relaxed and very asleep. The restlessness was too much, and she just wanted someone to talk to right now, even if it was nearly one in the morning. Another sigh slipped through her lips, louder than the first.

“Can’t sleep?” someone whispered.

She looked around and saw Brian sitting up, illuminated by the glow of his cell phone.

“No,” she whispered. “What are you doing on your phone?” She got up to move and sit next to him on the floor.

“Praying that I can make an outgoing call,” he said. A moment later he sighed and closed it. “No luck.”


“We gotta get out of here, now. This is insane. I have business to take care of.” He rubbed his face.

“I think we all do. We’ll get out of here though.”

“Then thinking about the last few days makes me not want to get out of here. Cause now we’ll be facing a lawsuit for bringing you guys here. We have a family to go to and tell them that their daughter was brutally murdered and we don’t know how it happened. Not to mention we have to go to Jimmy’s family and do the same thing. It’s all adding on, and I have other personal stuff to deal with. Finalize a divorce and shit.”

“Hey, hey…” Lisa tried to be as reassuring to him as she could. “Everything will be okay. Don’t they always say things get worse before they get better?”

“Yeah, true. I just hope it all blows over really soon.”

“It will.” Lisa looked down at her hands.

“Also hoping that you guys aren’t pissed that this happened. We had no idea it would turn out like this. We just wanted to have some fun. Meet some fans, chill out, show people that we’re normal humans.”

“You are, and I’ll say for sure that I’m not mad. I mean yeah at the shit that’s happening, but it’s just something unexpected that suddenly came up. Nobody knew it would turn out like this.”

Without thinking, as she began to get tired, she leaned against him just a bit. Brian didn’t say anything as he began to relax just a bit.

“Getting tired?” Brian asked.

“A little.”

“Well, try to sleep if you can. I’m starting to get tired myself.”

“Thanks, Brian. For talking, for helping me relax, for this whole opportunity, given the circumstances. If we don’t get out of here alive, I think I will die happy.”

“You’re welcome? But don’t say that. We’re gonna get out of here, alive.”

Lisa leaned against him more comfortably as she began to doze off. As both of them dozed off, they had both caught the low buzzing sound, but thought nothing of it. For a few hours, all eight managed to get relaxed, solid sleep, knowing that they were safe being in a large group together. Not being left alone, feeling protected by each other, praying for Sunday to hurry up and arrive so they would know if they would successfully get out of the house in one piece. Praying that this mess would be forgotten, with the exception of the two lives that were lost…so far.
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Lame crappy filler chapter....My apologies.